Here and Now (and everywhere!) Chapter 11 Toddlers 2-3years of age
Growth and Development (pg. 302-303) Height Makes gains in both height and weight. Weight Proportions-continue to alter Muscles and bones? Abdominal muscles have not yet developed Breathing is more adult- like The brain?—What is happening with the cerebellum 70-80% developed? Hand preference develops by (handedness) ? Educators: Maximize brain development and utilize this window of opportunity. “EVERYTHING that is old is new”
Motor skills (L, R) Gross motor: running, jumping, stairs, squatting? Ball and bike skills– 2 vs. 3 year old? ACTIVE LEARNERS!! Fine motor: List 5 most amazing skills at this age What do you expect from eating?
Cognition! (ay,w, St) A move from sensorimotor to preoperational; the child uses great ____Symbolism_____and _______mental representation___________________ Preconceptual thinking- Basic thoughts or consciousness 3 advances in thinking- egocentricity (only seeing from their own perspective), symbolism (the process of using language, character or objects to stand for something else), logic (aspect of thinking that involves reason and drawing conclusions) Influence of culture on thinking? Understanding of cause and effect is very difficult, thinking the music man is coming because the last time the child had fish sticks for lunch the music man came. Belief in Animism- The non-living are living
Cognition continued… Belief in Animism-Personal qualities to objects. Example: Stuffed animals Conservation? Temporal concepts Number concepts
K, CH ZPD Zone of Proximal Development-Vygotsky’s theory is the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help. Multiple Intelligences –Many ways of being smart and, encounters, interprets, reacts to experiences. Look Up Hard Gardner and see quiz. Enhance Naturalist Intelligence (prevent NDD! It is as serious as ADD) 11.2
Language pg.313 ASKING Questions Questions Questions Questions Questions Speech difficulties and consonants r, w, l- example? Private speech- helpful in self-regulation . You may need to teach it Overextensions- ex. Of Helen and the fire truck SUPPORT bilingualism (regardless of your political views, it is what is best for the child!) pg 315
Emotional development Pg. 316 How is self-esteem built? Who builds it? Be mindful of your praise! Unconditional love (agape- "love: the highest form of love”) Love no matter what! Support children’s budding emotional intelligence and use creativity In curriculum (see 11.4)
Purposes of play-It is their work. What are they?-getting to know other people and how to communicate with them, increasing communication and language skill, exploring emotions, learning about the properties of materials and how they work, imitating social roles and learning what is and what is not socially acceptable, acting out some anxieties and concerns that may trouble a child, escaping the real world and using their imagination. Superheroes and imaginative play What hampers play? –illness, tired, shy, self conscious, ESL, cultural issues. Children at this age are exuberant and working hard to make sense of this world and their new skills…they not “hyper”
Concerns at this age group ADD or ADHD? Box 11.4 caregivers/preschoolers-and-adhd.aspx Language delay DOES NOT ALWAYS REFLECT A PROBLEM pg.328 Handwashing and coughs/sneezes Toileting pg.329 Eating Personal safety and “rules” p. 331 Supportive Guidance and Responsive Caregiving/ Understand and understanding!'s.pdf