Weaving Spring 2019
OBJECTIVE 1st—Create a small paper-weaved basket to experience weaving techniques. 2nd—Create a small bookmark to learn and master loom weaving techniques. FINALLY—Create a Kente cloth-inspired bag using at least 2 weaving techniques and at least 2 colors. The bag will include Kente Cloth symbols and patterns.
KENTE CLOTH? Kente (known as “nwentom” in Akan language) is a type of silk and cotton fabric that is interwoven into patterns and symbols that have special meanings. Almost every tribe in Ghana wears Kente. Kente comes from the word “kenten” which means basket (weaving).
HISTORY Akan-Ashanti kingdoms were the first to sport Kente Cloth. The patterns and colors symbolize concepts, such as democratic rule, creativity, knowledge from experience, and sharing.
KENTE TODAY Kente Stoles are often worn by African American college graduates as a symbol of pride for their ethnicity. “Donning of the Kente” ceremonies are held to present the graduates with their stoles.
Color Meanings Black: maturation, intensified spiritual energy Blue: peacefulness, harmony and love Green: vegetation, planting, harvesting, growth, spiritual renewal Gold: royalty, wealth, high status, glory, spiritual purity Grey: healing and cleansing rituals; associated with ash Maroon: the color of mother earth; associated with healing Pink: assoc. with the female essence of life; a mild, gentle aspect of red Purple: assoc. with feminine aspects of life; usually worn by women Red: political and spiritual moods; bloodshed; death. Silver: serenity, purity, joy; associated with the moon White: purification, sanctification rites and festive occasions Yellow: preciousness, royalty, wealth, fertility, beauty
STEPS Wrap yarn around grooves to create WARP. Begin weaving from side to side, alternating which warp you go through… this is called WEFT. To create patterns, only weave through some warp on one side, then go from the other side with another color.
CHECKLIST Vocab DUE: Tuesday 2-26-19 Sketches DUE: Tuesday 2-26-19 Basket DUE: Friday 3-1-18 Bookmark DUE: Wednesday 3-6-19 Bag DUE: Friday 3-15-19