Upscaling Agroecology Through Participatory and Collective Innovation Mohammed H. Emadi Permanent Representative to FAO, IFAD and WFP. PhD in Systems Agriculture)
Questions? What is Agroecology and its major elements? What is the role of innovation to upscale agroecology? How can we upscale agroecology through supporting and enhancing innovation? G-STIC 2018
Agro Eco Logy Agroecology is a sustainable integrated approach that is environmentally sound, socially acceptable and economically viable. Agroecology is an innovative approach by nature to include ecological, social and technical aspects in any given time and geographical location. G-STIC 2018
What is the potential role of innovation to upscale agroecology? Upscaling agroecology needs unlocking the potential of innovation in policy and technology to achieve SDGs. looking for policy actions that are needed to enhance and upscale the use of agroecology technologies, innovations and practices in the world. (based on the findings and recommendations of G-STIC 2017, International Symposium on Agroecology 2018 FAO and international symposium on Agricultural innovation for family farming 21/23 Nov 2018) G-STIC 2018
Co-creation of knowledge and sharing information for innovation. Agroecology is based on bottom-up and territorial processes, Agroecology helping farmers to deliver contextualised solutions to local problems. Agroecological innovations requires processes where new, socially and environmentally sustainable ideas, technologies, products and practices emerge through stakeholder interactions and active participation. Agroecology is based on a agricultural production that is knowledge intensive, environmentally friendly, socially responsible, innovative, and which depends on skilled labour. G-STIC 2018
CO-CREATION, INNOVATION AND SHARING OF KNOWLEDGE Agricultural innovations co-created through participatory processes. Agroecology does not offer fixed prescriptions – rather, practices are tailored to fit the environmental, social, economic, cultural context. Through the co-creation process, agroecology blends traditional, local knowledge including producers’ and traders’ practical knowledge, and global scientific knowledge. Innovative agroecological move form input-based systems to knowledge-based systems of food production aiming at further increasing productivity while using less external (including non-renewable) resources. G-STIC 2018
How to support the innovation system How to support the innovation system. (innovative Policy, institution and technology) Enabling environment by inclusive policies and approaches , Multi -stacke holder governance and Partnership among all stakeholders. Networking, co-learning and interactive communication among major actors particularly by digital technologies. Formal and informal mechanism for Institutional building among agroecological farmers. Empowerment agroecological farmers and their organizations Establishment of award system to appreciate the most innovative agroecological framers globally, regionally and nationally. G-STIC 2018
How to support the innovation system How to support the innovation system. (innovative Policy, institution and technology) Establishment an assessment and evaluation system for innovation to be demand based and efficient solution provider. Establishment of financial support found mechanism for innovation to incentivize the innovation system. Capacity building (both formal and non-formal Education) plays a key role in sharing agroecological innovations resulting from co-creation processes including women and youth. G-STIC 2018