3.0A.2 Breaking Numbers into Equal Groups is Division The purpose of this slideshow is to have your students generate discussions about math encourage them to changes theirstaments to questions. They should share patterns they observations and come up with strategies that connect the Minecraft math model with the concepts of the standard. Finally they should be able to write an mathematical equations based on the Minecraft math model. The slideshow should take no more than 15 minutes. Students will have math notebooks and pencils, graph paper and colored pencils work really well for this. To use this slideshow Show the picture and brainstorm with your students the board. Have students find the pattern between the model and the math. Students will write their brainstorm ideas, questions, and drawings in their notebooks.. Come up with a strategies on... a) how use a Minecraft math model to conduct math proofs. b) how to translate the model into as many mathematical equations as possible and solve them. c) how to document patterns such as number families. Go to the next slide. Once you feel that your students have made the connections unveil the Big Idea on the last slide 3.0A.2 Breaking Numbers into Equal Groups is Division
This is division.
This is division
What division problem is this and is it correct?
What division problem is this and is it correct?
What kind of real life problems can division solve? The Big Idea! “Numbers broken down into equal groups is division.” What kind of real life problems can division solve? (sharing..)