Kimmy’s Animal Cell Project “The Cattle Ranch” Author: Kimmy McKinney
Cell membrane The cell membrane controls what goes in and out of the cell In the cattle ranch it’s the fence The fence controls what goes in and out of the ranch
Nucleus In the cell the nucleus contains the majority of the cell’s genetic material (main control center) In the cattle ranch it is the rancher’s house The rancher’s house contains the majority of the ranch’s genetic material or the information for the daily operations of the ranch
Nucleolus In the cell it’s the nucleolus In the cell it makes ribosomes In the cattle ranch the birthing room is where the baby cows are normally born The cattle ranch’s cows will produce the main product is beef
Endoplasmic reticulum In the cell it’s the Endoplasmic reticulum In the cell it transports the proteins In the cattle ranch it’s the cowboys The cowboys transport the cows to different parts o of the ranch
Ribosomes In the cell it’s the ribosomes In the cell it makes proteins In the cattle ranch it’s the cows The cows the main product of the ranch BEEF!
Mitochondria In the cell it’s the mitochondria In the cell it’s the power house In the cattle ranch the power house is their windmills Windmills give the ranch energy/power
Lysosomes In the cell it’s the lysosomes In the cell it digests(gets rid of) worn out parts On a cattle ranch it’s the compost bin and the outhouse The outhouse and the compost bin gets rid of and or recycles wastes
Vacuoles In a cell it’s the vacuoles In a cell it stores nutrients On a cattle ranch it’s the barn The barn stores the water and food for the cattle in it and many other supplies
Golgi Bodies In a cell it’s the Golgi Bodies In the cell it sorts and packages the proteins for transport in and out of the cell On the cattle ranch it’s the cattle trucks The cattle trucks will sort and ship the cattle to different parts of the ranch and outside the ranch
Extra credit
Chromosomes In a cell it is a chromosomes In a cell it’s the ‘’blue print’’ of the cell The manual/plan book has the information on what to do On a cattle ranch it is the plans for day to day operation
Nuclear Membrane In a cell it’s the nuclear membrane In the cell it controls what goes in and out of the nucleus On the cattle ranch it’s the fence around the rancher’s house The fence controls what goes in and out of the rancher’s house
Cytoplasm In a cell it’s the cytoplasm In a farm it allows movement for the organelles within the cell On a cattle ranch it’s the air and land The air and land allows movement of everything on the ranch
The End!