ESS Safety Training Status quo & developments Lars Aprin ESHAC #8 meeting, April 2018
The situation 6 months ago Training activities were spread across divisions and groups: no standardized central approach Particularly problematic: there was no system for tracking or certification No clear work flow and technical infrastructure for the enrolment of learners No central portfolio of existing training courses The Learning Management System (LMS) project was in an early phase with unclear direction No systematic approach to identify ESS training needs and to develop training modules No standardized approach to the procurement of externally provided training Unclear how to integrate Safety Training with the Access Control System Lack of statistics and quantification of expected training loads General challenge: Create advanced training concepts while offering training service already at the same time.
Structure of the presentation Presentation focuses on selected processes of the Safety Training Lifecycle: Further topics: Learning Management System (LMS) project; Integration of Safety Training & Access Control; Current Safety Training challenges Program Development Training Enrolment Session Coordination Certificate Management Program Evaluation ESS Safety Training Top Work Flow
Goals of Safety Training for 2018 Top Level Goals 2018: Having all required Safety Training for Ion Source Commissioning, Test stand 2 & installation in place Milestone Stakeholder Indicator Identification of all Safety Training needs ESS community ESH Safety Training Percentage coverage of ESS divisions Number* of requests for the identification of needs Developing a modular Safety Training Program Subject Matter Experts Percentage coverage of identified training needs Number* of released Safety Training courses Enabling the ESS community to follow the required Safety Training Number* of Safety Training courses performed Percentage number* of belated enrolments
Status of the Training Program Training courses offered at the moment: 18 class room courses; 2 e-learning courses Course landscape is constantly expanding since November 2017 ATEX; BAS-U; Forklift truck; Crane Operator; Electrical Safety (Basic); Electrical Safety (Advanced); Fall Protection; Hot works; First Aid (Basic); Mobile Elevated Work Platform; Preparing archiving of paper documents; Radiation Protection (Supervised Areas); Safe Lifting; Scaffolding; Site Safety Induction; Use and Inspection of Pressurized Devices; Use of Epoxy Cryogenic Safety (Awareness); Electrical Safety (Awareness); Cryogenic Safety (Awareness); Electrical Safety (Awareness); Radiation Protection (Supervised Areas); Preparing archiving of paper documents; Scaffolding; Use and Inspection of Pressurized Devices Finalized / New: 6 courses → More ESS training responsibility over the next years → Increase of quantity and heterogeneity Chemical Safety (Transportation of Dangerous Goods); Facility Safety (Test Stand 2, Awareness); Safety Systems (TIA – Basic); Electrical Safety (Access Level); Radiation Protection (Awareness Level); In development: 5 courses Radiation Protection (Supervised Areas); Radiation Protection (Contamination); Electrical Safety (Manager Level); Electrical Safety (Work Levels); Facility Safety (ESS Site, Induction); … In planning: 7 + courses
Screenshot of a “course creation” work space Course Development Development process includes: Modularization; prioritization; course creation; testing; publication Course development is managed in a standardized way as individual projects transparently documented in Confluence & JIRA: Modular approach: shorter courses; shaped and structured in a multilevel framework: Screenshot of a “course creation” work space 3. level: Activity Working close or even with hazards 2. level: Access Being close to hazards but “hands in pockets” 1. level: Awareness Aware of hazards → More ESS training responsibility over the next years → Increase of quantity and heterogeneity
Training Enrolment: Classroom training Electronic enrolment for all classroom courses; JIRA, Insight based; access via Confluence portal Between November 2017 and March 2018: 245 people trained in 25 classroom sessions; 239 people trained via e-learning Enrolment model: Currently only request oriented; in planning: regularly scheduled sessions How to identify the right training for a person? → Advancement of Safety Training matrix ongoing Screenshot of the central enrolment page for classroom training
Training Enrolment: E-Learning Screenshot of the E-Learning Portfolio Screenshot of an E-Learning page
Coordination of Training Sessions Coordination process includes: scheduling (polls), procurement, preparation, invitation, execution Training coordination standardized and electronically implemented; JIRA, Insight based Coordination work flow: Session in planning → S. scheduled → S. procured → S. executed → S. reimbursed Recruitment of in-house trainers started, e.g. RP, OHS (“Dangerous Goods”) Screenshot of the Coordination interface
Certificate Management & Tracking At the moment, certificates & attendance lists are stored as documents on the ST Portal: People can browse and search it A new Certificate Management System will go active in the coming weeks; Jira & Insight based Certificate, person and course are represented as interconnected data objects: Screenshot of the certification interface (coordinator view)
How to retrieve and check certificates Certificates will be easy to look up via person search In addition: Certificates will be presented in several views (e.g. per group, per course, line manager) on the Safety Training Portal Views are individually configurable: What data shall be shown to whom (e.g. privacy)? Certificates will be archived on CHESS Document Management System for legal reasons Screenshot of the certificate status for a section (manager view)
Integration of Safety Training & Access Control Safety Training and Access Management technically integrated; JIRA, Insight based System will go alive within the coming weeks; first buildings under test Needed: Procedures regarding “Certificate – Access” matrix fill-up and maintenance Example: Person A wants to access Building 1: Other systems Safety Training Access Management System Access Control System Person A Building 1 Certificate Supervised Areas “Certificate – Access” matrix Building 1 Supervised Areas; Electrical Safety Awareness Building 2 Cryogenic Safety Awareness ….
Systematic evaluation of the program At the moment, we test only evaluate courses before we publish them We do not systematically collect and evaluate feedback on the running Program Systematic survey feedback useful for: Improvement of module quality Improvement of instructor´s didactic performance Selection of external training providers Integration of feedback collection into the Safety Training Portal in development* Feedback on Training Course and Training Instructor Evaluation will be added as a work flow state to the Program Coordination: Session in planning → S. scheduled → S. procured → S. executed → S. reimbursed → S. evaluated *Screenshot “Customer Satisfaction Survey for Jira”
Status of the LMS project We have built an interim in-house LMS (Safety Training Portal) which works quite well However, LMS project is advancing quickly in parallel Requirements: 70 functional + 11 non-functional + 9 technical use cases specified Interviews with a dozen of vendors At the moment: between 2. and 3. stage of tender (implementation phase starts beginning June) Estimated date Activity Stage 1 15/03/2018 Tendering documents Phase 1 made available to the potential tenderers in the supplier portal. 27/03/2018 Deadline for sending questions to ESS 02/04/2018 Deadline for submission of tenders 03/04/2018 Evaluation of the tenders starts 06/04/2018 Notification of the award and the evaluation results sent to the tenderers 08/04/2018 Tendering documents Stage 2 made available to the potential tenderers in the supplier portal. 25/04/2018 30/04/2018 Week 16 - 17 Evaluations and notification of top 3 tender offers 15/05/2018 Presentation at ESS 18/05/2018 Week 21 Contract signed MAY/JUNE 2018 Implementation
Current challenges for Safety Training Acknowledgement of foreign certificates: Safety Training is increasingly receiving requests for recognition of foreign certificates. Responsibilities and practices must be clarified. Lack of resources: At the moment: ST has 1,5 people. Resources are needed in the areas of course coordination and instructional course design. Identification of upcoming training session numbers: Although it is possible to anticipate a large increase in training needs, it is difficult to accurately quantify it. Reason: Divisional data about planned work and its risk analytical implications often not available / accessible. Confusion of safety training and risk analysis: Safety Training regularly receives inquiries as to which courses should be taken in the face of a planned activity. But safety training has neither the mandate nor the competence to conduct risk analysis from a distance. An ESS wide standardization of risk analysis would be very helpful for Safety Training: Who will do what (with what tools) where & when? Pre-registration: In order to use the electronic services of Safety Training, you must have an ESS computer account. However, this is not the case for all groups of people at the ESS.
Thank you. Any Questions? Visit Safety Training at