ALIA PD Scheme Eileen Louden AALIA (CP) ALIA Vic State Manager
The Australian Institute of Librarians’ inaugural meeting in Canberra. 20 August 1937 The Australian Institute of Librarians’ inaugural meeting in Canberra.
80 Years Later
ALIA Constitution 3.2 c “To ensure the high standard of personnel engaged in information provision and foster their professional interests and aspirations”
What we will cover What is the ALIA PD Scheme? How it works Recording your PD PD Specialisations PD Support and Ideas
The ALIA PD Scheme provides a framework for ongoing learning
How it Works
Join anytime, your PD is backdated to the previous 1 July How it Works Who? Join anytime, your PD is backdated to the previous 1 July PD Year 1 July - 30 June and commitment is ongoing Three years = PD Triennium Ask the different levels of staff attending: - Where they work? ALIA members? Studying? On PD Scheme already? Not officially qualified? Proficiency Recognition Program Something for everyone!
Based on a Points System 30 PD points per PD Year 120 PD points over three years, the PD Triennium One point = One hour
My PD Tracking Tool First, recording your PD.
Reflective Learning
Reflective Learning - Examples For me, the most significant event was the keynote speaker from Libraries Without Borders. Barbara Schnack spoke primarily on the Ideas Box. Having learned of the significance of libraries as tools for social transformation and seen the Ideas Box in action, I now realise that it's not just the basic living of food, shelter and health that people in these communities need, but their psychological and intellectual health requirements need to be addressed as well. What I liked most was the perspective of the weekend. Most of the presenters were from outside the metropolitan area, and many from Ballarat, and that gave me the opportunity to see the GLAMR sector from a different viewpoint. The most useful thing was getting the chance to make connections with industry professionals that I normally wouldn't have had the opportunity to normally make connections with.
PD Recording Techniques Set aside an hour every month or two Mark what PD you’ve done in your work calendar Automatic calendar reminder Don’t be Eileen!
Get more out of your PD Add an ALIA PD Scheme Specialisation Use the skills checklists to identify gaps in your learning
PD Specialisations
PD Specialisations Streams: General Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Accessibility Children/youth Community engagement Cultural diversity Digital literacy Local studies/genealogy
PD Specialisations
ALIA Proficiency Recognition Program Aimed at: Non-qualified library support staff Staff qualified in other areas Students ALIA members only 20 points per year Gain core library knowledge
PD Support & Ideas
Get Recognised Additional post nominals: AALIA (CP), ALIATec (CP) + specialisation e.g. AALIA (CP) Health Certificate after successful completion of a triennium and listing on the website and in the ALIA Annual Report Distinguished Certified Professional: AALIA (DCP) LinkedIn profile: Certifications ALIA Certified Professional AALIA (CP) Australian Library and Information Association July 2008 – June 2018
Reward Yourself
2020 Pathway Questions? @EileenLouden 0488 687 820