African Union Commission Special meeting of the Subcommittee on Sustainable Development in preparation for COP24 African Perspective Jolly Wasambo African Union Commission ACP House, 6th November 2018
Outline Introduction Process Key Issues/Messages
Introduction Climate Change and the IPCC Report “Global Warming of 1.5⁰C” Climate change is a current threat and erodes development gains The costs of climate change threaten sustainable development Africa is among the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change Impacts of climate change are accelerating. Action is needed now An enduring Pan African vision of “an integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the international arena” (Agenda 2063)
Process: Issues/Messages Identification National and Regional Consultative meetings Compilation of sub-regional positions Some regions need support to mobilise countries and stakeholders to prepare for COP, implement and assess NDCs
Key Issues/Messages Guidelines for Implementation of the Paris Agreement Adopt Rules under the Paris Agreement Work Programme that are comprehensive and consistent with the core principles of the Convention, in particular equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR & RC) in the light of different national circumstances
The Ad-hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (Mitigation & Adaptation) (1) Need to revise NDCs in line with national development strategies and goals (support needed) A five-year timeframe for NDCs review in order to allow for quick review and maintain the link between global stocktake and NDCs Provide a framework to support developing countries to implement their NDCs i.e. adaptation and mitigation targets Parties to strengthen institutional and operational capacities for effective coordination and implementation
The Ad-hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (2) Advocate for increased availability of resources for adaptation activities, given the importance of adaptation for developing countries Developed countries to provide adequate, direct and predictable funding to enable developing countries meet their medium and long- term adaptation goals Developed partners to provide accompanying measures to countries for fund mobilization and management Mitigation actions to be informed by core principles of the Convention particularly the principle of equity and the principle of CBDR & RC
The Ad-hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (3) The new market mechanism being negotiated should consider ongoing carbon market projects, including blue carbon projects, to allow for continuity Decisions on NDCs should include the “flexibility aspect” for LDCs and SIDS taking into account their national circumstances Agriculture should be given special consideration in the context of increasing resilience to recurrent disasters and risks, including technology transfer
Adaptation Communication Provide flexibility for developing countries, distinguishing between adaptation communication under Article 13 and the Article 7 adaptation communication Flexibility about vehicles to enhance adaptation communication Linkages with other articles of the Paris Agreement (need to develop a methodology) Funding sources for elaboration of adaptation communication
Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) for the Transparency Framework for Action and Support Provide detailed reports on financial resources mobilized by developed countries to support adaptation and mitigation Capacity building on MRV
Adaptation Fund The current form of the Fund which allows for direct access should not be changed The fund should serve both the Paris Agreement and the Kyoto mechanism Reporting of financing provided for adaptation and mitigation
Technology Transfer Consideration of the national circumstances and specific needs of developing countries, gender issues, and development of endogenous technologies through national innovation and incubation system Need for clear guidance on modalities and scope of the periodic assessment of technology mechanism (e.g. recommendations for enhancing the technical assistance of CTCN, interlinkages with CTCN review)
Technology Transfer Enhancing actionable and predictable support for NDE, support for developing and implementing bankable projects Financial support for national innovation and incubation system Enhanced South-South Cooperation and North-South Cooperation - to promote exchange of data and information, experience, expertise, peer to peer exchange/learning
Market and Non-Markets: Art. 6. 2 Cooperative approaches; Art. 6 Market and Non-Markets: Art.6.2 Cooperative approaches; Art. 6.4: Global mechanism for mitigation and SD Need for definition and creation of the Internationally Transferable Mitigation Options (ITMOs) Which activities will generate the ITMOs, how, scope, oversight, etc. Share of proceeds critical for sustainability of Adaptation Funds Relationship between NDC targets and market mechanism (inside/outside sectors), especially when the sector is not prioritized within the NDCs Clarity on how to tackle CERs after 2020 under the CDM. How to efficiently tackle the transition period (need to define criteria)
Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM) for Loss and Damage (COP) Need for a clear definition of ‘Loss and Damage’ Upgrading the loss and damage issue to the level of other items (mitigation, adaptation)
Means of Implementation (Finance) Finance should be predictable and accessible. Also need for reporting on finance provided Need for the UNFCCC financing mechanism to allocate more resources for up-scaling of CSA, adoption of technologies, and other green and blue economy initiatives Article 9.7 (Modalities): Parties need to start to launch the process now on discussing the modality for resource (financial) mobilisation
The Talanoa Dialogue Should provide opportunity to find creative ways on increasing the ambitions of Parties and Non State Actors alike Talanoa outcomes should be used to encourage collaborative efforts among Parties; lead to increased support to developing countries and facilitate transparency and clarity of action and support provided The Talanoa narratives should be balanced and reflective of the experiences of all Parties, covering mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation
The Katowice Climate Change Conference (COP 24) The Katowice package should also prioritise: Balance between mitigation and adaptation Clarity on Means of Implementation Support for developing countries, especially in the delivery of support to unlocking action and raising ambition
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