Stand information: Name Show Name Dates Venue Size EXSA Green Stand Awards Small, medium and large stands – All to provide photo’s and descriptions Stand information: Name Show Name Dates Venue Size
Important Please follow the guidelines per category in order to provide the correct and required information per section. Wherever possible please insert images, and links for videos or sound clips to substantiate your description on this template. For any video’s please insert YouTube or Web links. Your motivation is important for us to understand what you did and why you did it! Feel free to add pages where necessary. This completed file should not exceed 15 MEG.
Design Overall visual impact of stand. Points will be awarded if green elements have been incorporated into the design of the stand.
Procurement Explain what materials were used in the design and installation of the stand (structure and branding substrate)? If there are any give away’s, what were they and were they eco-friendly? Procurement is the key in your decision making, so please indicate what you did to procure the most optimal items.
Operations: Energy Has the exhibitor made any effort to incorporate energy efficient appliances and/or lights onto the stand. If so what and where? Did the exhibitor purchase Renewable Energy certificates (RECs) for the stand or attempted to offset the electricity used in any way? Please explain what you did to enhance energy efficiency
Operations: Waste What has the exhibitor done to minimise waste on the stand? Has any of the items on the stand been reused or recycled? Did the exhibitor make an effort to minimise during the set-up of the stand?
Transport What was done to reduce the need for transport during the set-up of the stand? What was done to reduce the need for staff travelling to the hosting of the stand?
Social impact What was done to link to any social initiative?
Communication What was done to communicate to delegates what you have done to green your stand? Are staff aware of the greening of the stand and can they answer questions as outlined here?
Policy Is there a clear guideline or policy from the client around the greening of their stand, or is it just once off? Is there any measurement around the impact of the stand?
Innovation Any innovation not covered above that is worthwhile mentioning? Has any carbon offsetting been done?