Love Marriage and Family Ties: Intergenerational Patterns in Genograms Presented by Rita DeMaria, Ph.D. Council for Relationships July 3, 2008 Smart Marriages Happy Families San Francisco, CA
Love, Marriage and Family Ties All family members are connected How to identify needed personal and relationship changes Begin a process of discovery and growth
Love, Marriage and Family Ties Increase awareness of how relationship patterns are transmitted through time as family legacies Increase empathy for partner’s needs, issues, and vulnerabilities Depersonalize current relationship struggles and facilitate problem solving and resolution
5 Types of Focused Genograms Connections and Cutoff My Mother, My Father, Myself Legacy of Love His/Her Story Traumas and Tragedies
Connections and Cutoffs Exploring patterns of closeness Handling life challenges through connection or disconnection Family secrets are often covered by disconnections and cut-offs
My Mother, My Father, Myself Exploring the importance of our Mothers and Fathers Relationships with the same sex parent Gender Roles: Husband, Father, Man; Wife, Mother, Woman
Legacies of Love Exploring patterns of love and marriage Time Lines are helpful
His/Her Story Exploring family legacies from the past Understanding our heritage Historical events help you gain awareness Repetition of patterns across generations
Traumas and Tragedies Exploring the impact of losses and challenges Big “T” traumas Little “t” traumas
Workshop Format Introduction of the genogram construction Sample genogram Exercise for each genogram Genogram Format Time Line Reflection Questions Action Plan
The Workshop Process The Focused Genogram The Reflection The Time Line The Action Plan
My Mother My Father My Self Presentation Exercise
Love Marriage and Family Ties is available as a TOOB
Thank you for your attendance For more information contact Rita DeMaria, Ph.D. 215-628-2450