Resource depletion means using a resource faster than it can be replenished. This can happen to renewable and nonrenewable resources if use of resources exceeds carrying capacity. Carrying capacity is the maximum number of individuals of a species -the population -that an area’s resources can sustain (support); the POPULATION using the resources.
What are some ways we can prevent depletion of our natural resources? Conservation – reduce, reuse, recycle Sustainability practices – cover crops, crop rotation (soil conservation methods), drip irrigation (water-conservation methods.) ***Add the information below to your slide: *Low-flow shower-heads (water conservation method) *Using LED light bulbs and supplementing the use of nonrenewable energy resources with more renewables like solar and wind (energy conservation methods)
Conservation: Using resources sparingly and wisely to avoid depleting them. The 3 R’s of conservation - List some examples…at least 2 of each Reduce – Reuse – Recycle -
****Read the next 3 slides. They have a little more for you to do. “Sustainable” “Sustainability” - **able to last or continue for a long time; not be used up; involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources Ex. Deadliest Catch – by law, crab fishermen must throw back juvenile crabs (add the next part) to insure that there will be enough of them to reproduce (sustain the population) ****Read the next 3 slides. They have a little more for you to do.
*CARRYING CAPACITY REFERS TO THE POPULATION USING THE RESOURCES. *SUSTAINABILITY REFERS TO THE ABILITY OF THE RESOURCES TO SUPPORT A POPULATION. *CARRYING CAPACITY REFERS TO THE POPULATION USING THE RESOURCES. 1. Watch the “Earth and Environmental video for resource depletion” (it’s right below this PowerPoint in Class Documents). 2. Copy and answer these 2 questions somewhere on the notes (you have plenty of space). a. What is the example of resource depletion mentioned at the beginning of the video? b. How can fishermen insure sustainability of the pond as a fishing hole? *****Go on to the next 2 slides.
2. On the back of your notes, make a Venn diagram, 3-column chart, or double-bubble map. Compare and contrast renewable and nonrenewable resources. Give at least 4 similarities and 5 differences. The resources themselves can only be one of your differences. I will take these notes up Tuesday. Renewable Non-renewable
Renewable Nonrenewable