Welcome to the Repositories Support Project Professional Briefing & Networking Event This talk is about embedding your repository in institutional custom and practice. It draws on a number of examples, that we’d encourage you to follow up. It won’t have all the answers – but will highlight best/good practice. Above all we hope it offers practical advice for you to reflect on. [Author’s note] This talk is designated INTRODUCTORY level in content – in order to be used with an advanced audience significant revision will be required. University of Northampton, Northamptonshire 15th November 2007
Day Aims To share experiences & network with your peers To offer an opportunity to seek informal support from the RSP To offer repository related training and updating of professional awareness To broaden the RSP’s understanding of the national scene Hopes and aims for the day – three for you, and one for us.
Programme (am) 09:30 Introduction to Day Gareth Johnson, RSP/SHERPA, University of Nottingham 09:40 Creating a buzz for NECTAR Miggie Pickton, University of Northampton 10:30 Cranfield Repository & The Embed Project John Harrington & Mary Betts-Gray, Cranfield University 11:20 Networking/refreshment break 11:45 Workshop Session - Speed networking This is the programme for the morning, following this introduction Talk 1 is about [Topic] Talk 2 is about [Topic] Then a break to chat with myself and colleagues, as well as everyone else here. Then our first workshop session – a focussed opportunity to talk with everyone here
Programme (pm) 12:45 Lunch 13:45 Policy frameworks: building a firm foundation for your IR Jackie Knowles, RSP, Aberystwyth University 14:15 Workshop Session - Copyright, rights and IPR Steph Taylor, RSP, UKOLN, University of Bath 15:30 Facilitated Discussions 16:00 Close This is the programme for the morning, following lunch Talk 3 is about [Topic] Workshop 2 is about [Topic] Finally a wrap up discussion on issues raised during the day
The RSP High level representation Funding councils / publishers etc High-level advocacy Presentations / materials aimed at senior managers Repository establishment Technical Support DSpace & ePrints Encourage use Presentations / materials for researchers / teachers Grassroots advocacy Presentations / materials for researchers / teachers Encourage re-use Presentations / materials for service providers This is a slide from SL/MP#s presentations to JISC Gives an idea of the spread of support of the RSP Talk over this as to the aims and activities of the RSP on multiple levels Briefly mention the work of the RSP (no more than a minute or two). Repository Administrators Support to run repositories (e.g. preservation)
The RSP & Me Site visits Enquiry service Briefing papers and Website Enjoy a day with the RSP Enquiry service support@rsp.ac.uk Briefing papers and Website Including resource bank & reusable advocacy materials RSP Wiki pages For all institutions, software providers etc Well you actually – what can the RSP do for you?
Feedback & Review Your feedback is important Will shape future event and support activities Will be fed into JISC plans Could win you an iPod Slides & other materials on RSP site shortly… Talk about why their feedback at the end of the day is of value
Gareth Johnson gareth.johnson@nottingham.ac.uk support@rsp.ac.uk Close and introduce first speaker.