Description Penguins are flightless birds that spend most of their time in water. They camouflage in the water from their predators.
Habitat All 18 species of penguin live in the Southern Hemisphere . Penguins can be found on every continent in the Southern hemisphere . Penguins live on the beaches and lay in the sun on the rocks.
Diet They usually eat fish if can’t catch anything else. Penguins eat seafood, mostly shrimp and krill.
Predators Penguins main predator is seals such as a leopard seal. Killer whales are also their predator. The chicks usually get eaten by big birds such as sea gulls.
Other facts Emperor penguins are the tallest penguins in the world. Standing up to 4 feet tall. The fastest swimming penguin is the Gentoo penguin which can swim 22 mph.
Interesting facts Penguins don’t have teeth. Penguins are carnivores. Most endangered specie of penguin is the yellow eyed penguin in New Zealand.
Bibliography An aquarium where the penguins are kept in Cape Town