Students are welcome to submit up to 1 entry per category, but may only win one scholarship. The rules for each category are listed and MUST be followed to be eligible for an award. The deadline for submissions is March 15 th, 2010 – however, the rough drafts are due to Mrs. Miller by Friday, February 12 th to receive a grade in Language Arts.
The Save Me A Spot in College scholarship contest invites students in California to create a written word, poster, or TV ad entry answering the contest question, Why should California leaders save you and your peers a spot in college
Think about why its important for you to go to college and why you want to go to college. (Reflect on your personal story, your background and influences, your future plans and goals, etc.) Think about why its important for your peers to go to college too (What are your peers personal stories? If all your peers went to college, what kind of impact would that have?)
Think about what you would like the leaders of California to know about you and your peers so that they will invest in opportunities that help students go to college. Think about how California can benefit from having its young people go to college and get a college degree (Explore current events, social events, etc.) Think about how the leaders of California can help you and your peers go to college.
Entry must answer the question Why should California leaders save you and your peers a spot in college? Entry must be 400 words or less, be sure to count! Can be any type of format: essay, poem, song lyrics, story, etc. Any use of quotes or statistics must be credited, ALL plagiarized material will be immediately disqualified. Entry should be typed MUST be submitted by individual ONLY! No group work in this category. MUST have name, grade, school, and phone number on EVERY page.
Entry must answer the question Why should California leaders save you and your peers a spot in college? Entry size should be 11x17 All Artwork must be students own, original creation using their choice of art supplies (ex: paint, oil pastels, glitter, original photographs/computer graphics, etc.) Cannot use any 3D materials as poster must be able to be folded or rolled (nothing that can fall off in transit, either!) MUST be submitted by individual ONLY! No group work in this category. Back of poster must be clearly labeled with students name, grade, school, and phone number.
Entry must answer the question Why should California leaders save you and your peers a spot in college? Entry must be 30 seconds or less Must be sent on CD or data DVD. YouTube or submissions WILL NOT be accepted. Students may submit an individual OR group entry; groups are limited to 4 people or less CD/DVD must be clearly labeled with group members names, grade, school, and one contact phone number.
Finish your entry! Complete an entry form ONLINE Written Word: can be submitted with the entry form online OR you can print and mail your entry to the office (make sure to print a copy of your Entry Form and staple it to your entry. Poster & TV Ad: must be mailed to the office. Be sure to print a copy of your Entry Form and attach it to your entry.