Español 2 martes el 22 de enero Attendance Daily Warm Up (pick up new sheet) Quick Overview for new students Phone policy (red) -Baño policy Classwebsite -Remind sign up Vocab definitions for Cap. 1.1 Check in with me on HW log when complete Tarea/HW: -Study new vocab terms 1.1 *Quiz next week* Singo, vocab games
Español 2 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up martes 1/22/19 Write down the question and the answer for each. How would you rate the mid term exam (easy, ok, hard)? How did you do on the mid term exam? Did you do any studying outside of class?
Español 1 martes el 22 de enero Attendance Daily Warm Up (pick up new sheet) Quick Overview for new students Phone policy (red) -Baño policy Classwebsite -Remind sign up Vocab definitions for Cap. 4.1 Check in with me on HW log when complete Tarea/HW: -Study new vocab terms 4.1 *Quiz next week* Finish Movie Monday: Go over Querer, Ir, Jugar sentences sheet, Singo card and play singo
Español 1 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up martes 1/22/19 Write down the question and the answer for each. How would you rate the mid term exam (easy, ok, hard)? How did you do on the mid term exam? Did you do any studying outside of class?
Español 2 miércoles el 23 de enero Necestias el libro. NO SCHOOL ICE DAY Tarea/HW: Vocab quiz 9, begin study guide
Español 2 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up miércoles 1/23/19 NO SCHOOL ICE DAY
Español 1 miércoles el 23 de enero You need el libro. NO SCHOOL ICE DAY Tarea/HW: Vocab quiz 3.2, begin study guide
Español 1 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up miércoles 1/23/19 NO SCHOOL ICE DAY
Español 2 jueves el 24 de enero Assigned Seats Daily Warm Up Vocab Pronunciation 1.1 list Reading Notes: Repaso de Gramática 1.1 Put into Cuaderno/Notebook. Tarea/HW: -Study new vocab terms 1.1 *Quiz Tuesday 1/29* **Bring Sp. 1 book to return tomorrow.** Necestias el libro. Vocab quiz 9, begin study guide
Español 2 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up jueves 1/24/19 Use the pictures on pg. 6-7 or the glossary, to translate each term. List both the Spanish & English word. Madre- Padre- Hermano mayor- Novelas de misterio- Familia-
Español 1 jueves el 24 de enero Assigned Seats Daily Warm Up 4.1 vocab: pronunciation of list Picture Cards (cut & label) You need these tomorrow!! Tarea/HW: -Study new vocab terms 4.1 *Quiz Tuesday 1/29* You need el libro. Vocab quiz 3.2, begin study guide
Español 1 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up jueves 1/24/19 Use the 4.1 vocab list, to translate each term. List both the Spanish & English word. Mucho(a)- Poco(a)- Las materias- Es fácil- Es difícil-
Español 2 viernes el 25 de enero Daily Warm Up Create SINGO card (1.1 vocab) Grammar 1.1 Book Exercises: #7 & #8 p.11, #10 & #11 p. 13, #14 & #15 p. 15 Complete bookwork in the Cuaderno (notebook) Tarea/HW: -Study new vocab terms 1.1 *Quiz next Monday* ¡Necesitas un libro!
Español 2 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up viernes 1/25/19 Translate the following to Spanish. Use your vocab and grammar notes for help if needed. My mom’s name is Ana. Jose is tall and nice. I like to ride bikes. Sara plays tennis. He loves to practice sports. Remember to follow Gender/number agreement rules. Also, conjugate your verbs.
Book Work Directions: *All problems should be written out completely(Q & A). Ex. 7: Choose the best answer for each sentence. Ex. 8: Combine words from each column/box to make 6 sentences(one for each subject). Ex. 10: Indicate what Andres & his friends are doing after class. (the picture is the verb & shows the subject to use) Ex. 11: Complete each sentence with the correct verb form. *See verb choices in the book. Ex. 14: Conjugate the verb in parenthesis to complete the sentences. Ex. 15: Combine terms from each column to form 6 sentences. *Don’t forget the reflexive pronouns go before conjugated verbs!
Español 1 viernes el 25 de enero You need the Picture cards! Daily Warm Up Create SINGO card (4.1 vocab) 4.1 Reading Notes Staple reading notes in your cuaderno. Horario Mini Project (make your class schedule) Tarea/HW: -Study new vocab terms 4.1 *Quiz next Tuesday*
Español 1 Para Empezar : Daily Warm Up viernes 1/25/19 Picture Card Practice -Lay out all 15 cards picture side up on your desk.