The Second Creation Story Genesis 2 The Second Creation Story
The Creation Story #2
The Creation Story #2
The Creation Story #2 Introduction (read Genesis 2:4b – 2:24) Garden of Eden Observations on Creation Stories #1 & #2 Philosophical Options The Trinity The Root of the Doxology Applications
Introduction (read Genesis 2:4b – 2:24) More than one creation story/culture not uncommon Four Major Differences Different Names of God Reversal of creation sites Different creation activities Different orders of creation Minor differences: (no mention of greater/lesser lights, stars, etc)
Introduction (read Genesis 2:4b – 2:24) Four Major Differences Different Names of God Genesis 1 – God Elohim Genesis 2:4b and onwards: LORD God YHWH Elohim Leads to the two author theory Change in Focus? Elohim YHWH
Introduction (read Genesis 2:4b – 2:24) Four Major Differences Reversal of creation sites Genesis 1:1 – “heavens and earth” Supports a Cosmo-centric focus Genesis 2:4b – “earth and heaven” Supports a Man-centric focus
Introduction (read Genesis 2:4b – 2:24) Four Major Differences Creation by Activity, not Fiat Formed Man (2:7) and beast (2:19). Formed same as potter with clay “breathed into his nostrils” (2:7) “planted a garden” (2:8) “fashioned [built] a woman” (2:19) These are activities familiar to Man NOTE: the word Adam == Man
Introduction (read Genesis 2:4b – 2:24) Four Major Differences Different orders of creation Creation Story 1: plants animals male/female Creation Story 2: Man (alone) plants animals Woman Minor Differences No sun, moon, stars No discussion of original chaos, darkness, waters No cosmological items whatsoever
Garden of Eden Two trees: Tree of Life and Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil LORD God warns against eating of this tree NOTE: No immediate injunction against Tree of Life Protestant circles May also be a Merism (type of Figure of Speech) and-evil-biblical-merism.html Jewish Interpretations May be a warning against rationalism?
Observations on Creation Stories #1 & #2 Jesus treated both accounts as integrated The Historicity of Adam and Eve Adam and Eve, as historical (objective) figures, are an integral part of Biblical theology Paul Luke (Luke 3:38) Eve is treated as a historical figure Creation of Woman from Man provides basis for unity (and marriage; the ultimate in unity) Genesis 5:1,2 parallels Genesis 1:27
Observations on Creation Stories #1 & #2 The Image of God (Genesis 1:26) We have an identity As Christians we recognize the origin (and value) of personal qualities (love, fellowship, etc). Therefore, if Man is made in the image of God, the Incarnation is not foolishness. The Dominion of Man (Genesis 1:26) Man stands between God and Creation as a steward. Dominion includes moral responsibility Man would have had to work even w/o the Fall (dominion = responsibility)
Philosophical Options Personal God versus “Other” Something existed before creation and that something was personal and not static (regardless of Ex nihilo or Ex materia) Your choices are: Option #1 - Absolutely nothing Something Option #2 - Impersonal beginning (Time, space, energy, and chance) Option #3 - Personal beginning Option #4 - Dualism (Good vs. Evil or > 1 starting material)
Philosophical Options Personal God versus “Other” Option #1 and #4 rejected early Dualism never understood in the West; We always push to unity (NOTE: Still in contrast to the ancient Jewish view of “the beginning) Absolutely nothing not really accepted Options #2 and #3 are the only two viable options Option #2 (closed system) problems: No explanation for the specific form (not just existence) No explanation of personality.
The Trinity Essential to a Christian understanding of the origin of the universe. Genesis 1:26, 3:22, Isaiah 6:8 (note the reference us) John 1:1-3, Hebrews 1:10, Colossians 1:16-17, and 1 Corinthians 8:6 (Christ was in the beginning) The universe had a personal beginning on the highest order (the Trinity) Love and communication existed within the Trinity before the beginning, and we reflect that. Love and communication are thus intrinsic to Man and have value because they have always been. Diversity within Unity
The Root of the Doxology (Rev. 4:11) Why does the Bible praise God? The Bible praises God not because He saved us, but because He made us! Thus Christians understand where the world (and we) came from and why we are the way we are (why we are unique and not just biological machines)
Applications It refutes atheism, because the universe was created by God. It refutes pantheism, for God is transcendent to that which He created. It refutes polytheism, for one God created all things. It refutes materialism, for matter had a beginning. It refutes dualism, because God was alone when He created. It refutes humanism, because God, not man, is the ultimate reality.
Discussion Questions Do you think physical pain was possible in the Garden of Eden pre-Fall ? (consider congenital analgesia) tivity_to_pain childrens_health/t/rare-disease-makes-girl- unable-feel-pain/
Discussion Question What is the link between Adam and the dust from which he was created?
Discussion Questions Should we seek fulfillment through our work?
Discussion Questions Should we seek fulfillment through our work? Is work a way by which Man continues participation in God’s creation?
Discussion Questions Does Genesis 2 (God’s work and His expectation of Adam in the garden) form the basis of a theological position that Christians support basic rights of workers: -- the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, the organization and joining of unions, to private property, and to economic initiative?