Scientific Computing on Graphics Hardware GPGPU Applications Examples Showcase
2Overview Interactive Demos, Videos –Computational Fluid Dynamics –Scientific Visualization –Protein Matching –Path Planning –FFT Applications –Adaptive Data Structures Feel free to ask questions! Note: This is a small selection to show some of the possibilities and arouse further curiosity, alternative implementations to the above and many more applications exist.
3 Computational Fluid Dynamics Real-time simulation of fluid flow governed by the Navier-Stokes equations Live Demo: NVIDIA GPGPU FLUID Youquan Liu et al., Pacific Graphics D fluid with complex obstacles
4 Scientific Visualization Jens Krüger et al., TU München A Particle System for Interactive Visualization of 3D Flows Winner of the IEEE Visualization Contest 05 Live Demo...
5 Fuzzy Protein Matching with HMMer F R N T T P F G F R N T T P F G F F R N T T P F G R T T F P F G F R T T N P F G F N N N N P P R R F T T P F T N F N N N N P P P R T N T R F G Probabilistic model Database Query Junk Del StartEnd FRNTPT [Daniel Horn et al., Supercomputing 2005]
6 ClawHMMer Performance
7 FlexiPlan - Path Planning for Deformable Robots in Complex Environments [Russell Gayle et al., Systems and Science, 2005] Application: Liver Chemoembolization A long thin catheter is navigated from the femoral to the hepatic arteries near a tumor in the liver for direct drug injection. Movie...
8 FFT Applications Fourier Volume Rendering Inverse Filtered Back-Projection –Slice in frequency = Projection –Needs high-quality interpolation 512³ rendered in >25 frames/sec –But needs slightly more space! Filtered Back-Projection Create volume from projections –Blending of FFT-filtered projections –Visualization of intermediate results! Faster by an order of magnitude! –4.5 min (CPU) vs. 24 sec (GPU) [Thomas Jansen et al., VMV 2004] Movie...
9 Glift : Generic, Efficient, Random-Access GPU Data Structures [Aaron Lefohn et al., ACM TOG, 2006] Movie... STL-like abstraction of data containers from algorithms for GPUs
10 More Demos See GPGPU case studies in … Siggraph 2005 course notes Visualization 2005 course notes