2018 Community Action Angels Statewide Project for Kids!
Presented by: JCEO’s Community Action Angels Fostering Komfort Presented by: JCEO’s Community Action Angels
So many unknowns! What does the child feel? What do they take with them? How do they pack their things? What will they have in their new home? How much time has the new household had to prepare?
Goals Ease the transition to a new home Set foster children up for success No more trash bags!
What’s in the bag? Diapers/wipes Toothbrush/toothpaste Body wash or shampoo/conditioner Comfort item Toy or book Laundry bag What’s in the bag?
How do we do it? Collaborate with other community groups Department of Social Services Service groups such as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions Clubs, etc. (the K in Komfort comes from our local Kiwanis Club, whom named the project) Sports teams looking for a community service project Publicize the project on social media and in the press How do we do it?
How do we do it? Fundraise and ask for items on the “wish list” Shop and pack Deliver and store in a safe place Track usage How do we do it?
Example of a packed bag The closet that stores the bags at DSS
So far we have packed 125 bags and 65 have been distributed! Our committee packing bags at DSS
The path forward Continue to gather supplies Be flexible with the needs in our area Seek out more collaborators Procure suitcases for older children Spread the word with hope that more angels will bring the project to their community! The path forward
The Challenge Fill 1500 backpacks for foster children by Christmas! Reach out to your local Kiwanis as a start! Present the project at their meeting! You will be receiving a video on or before October 15th to promote children’s needs in your community! On the piece of paper at your table write one need for a child you are most passionate about meeting. Sign your name and agency on the paper, we may want to contact you.. We hope the backpacks will be just the beginning! You know I will be checking your progress! I know you will far exceed this goal! You always do…..