TRIANGULAR TRADE Three-legged international trade network Linking Europe, Africa, and the Americas Spanish were the first major European partners in the slave trade Other Euro countries colonized the Americas→Slave Trade intensified
MIDDLE PASSAGE First Leg---merchant ships brought European goods (guns, cloths, cash) to Africa & traded for slaves Second Leg (Middle Passage)---slaves were transported to the Americas & exchanged for sugar, molasses & other plantation products owned by Europeans Third Leg---Merchants carried sugar, molasses, cotton & other American goods (furs, salt fish & rum) to Europe, where they were traded for profit Profit allowed merchants to collect the goods needed to return to Africa & continue the trade
SLAVE TRADE=GOOD BUSINESS Who benefits? Merchants & American Colonies Colonial industries boom (shipbuilding in North, tobacco/sugar processing in South) Port Cities in Europe & N. America thrive All made possible b/c of the Atlantic Slave Trade How many involved? 1500s-2,000/year; 1780s-80,000/year 11 Million+ enslaved Africans brought to the Americas
EFFECTS OF GLOBAL CONTACT The Columbian Exchange Commercial Revolution Rise of Mercantilism
All starts with Christopher Columbus COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE All starts with Christopher Columbus Returned to Spain in 1493 & brought plants & animals found in the Americas Returned to the new world w/1,200 settlers & a collection of European animals & plants Begins a vast global exchange that profoundly affected the world
COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE Old World (Europe) v. New World (Americas) Old World---Corn & Potates become staples, helping feed the rapidly growing Euro population New World---Wheat, grapes, bananas, sugar cane, cattle, pigs, goats, chickens (food), horses & donkeys (transport) Who benefits more, based on what’s listed above? What are we not mentioning?
COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE & POPULATION Dispersal of new food crops (corn, potatoes, beans, tomatoes)→Growth in Global Population Migration of Millions -Europeans to Americas -African Slaves to Americas Native American population dramatically declines -DISEASE (smallpox, measles) -War & Conflict
COMMERCIAL REVOLUTION Age of Exploration opened direct links b/w Europe, Africa, Asia & the Americas Results—Huge Economic Changes! Emergence of Capitalism Mercantilism Arises EXPORT more than you IMPORT to make the most profit...How? COLONIES!
MERCANTILISM ARISES Economic policy-EXPORT more than IMPORT; raise gold/silver supply Colonies=Cash Cows! Europeans provided resources & raw materials, colonies were markets for manufactured goods Colonies could not set up own industries manufacturing goods or trade w/foreign country Governments imposed tariffs, or taxes on imported goods, to protect local industries from foreign competition
CAPITALISM EMERGES Price Revolution (1500s)-Prices rose across Europe while money supply dramatically increased Capitalism-Economic system in which most businesses are owned privately Entrepreneurs, or people who take financial risk to make profits, were the keys to success of capitalism Expanded trade, increased money supply & push for overseas empires spurred growth of European Capitalism GLOBAL TRADING NETWORK ESTABLISHED...Never look back!