Connect two independent clauses Separate items in a complicated list Uses of semicolons Connect two independent clauses Separate items in a complicated list
Connect two independent clauses I don’t get it; can you explain it again? He seems like a nice man; still, I’m not sure. ; transition word,
Complicated Lists I know John, the baker; Simon, the policeman; and Toby, the architect. I have been to Newcastle, Carlisle, and York in the North; Bristol, Exeter, and Portsmouth in the South; and Cromer, Norwich, and Lincoln in the East. Each child was seated at a separate station and given the following plush toy or toys: an elephant, which all children saw in the previous experiment; a kangaroo, which only half of the children saw in the previous experiment; or both the elephant and the kangaroo.
Pin the semicolon on the sentence!
George Orwell's essay "Shooting an Elephant" is about a rampaging elephant Orwell reluctantly decides to shoot this elephant None
A draft of my first essay is due on Monday I also need to read the second chapter of the textbook. None
George Orwell's essay "Shooting an Elephant" is about a rampaging elephant and Orwell's decision to shoot this elephant. None
I enjoyed spending a week in Florida, however, it was nice to return home after the long vacation. None
It is raining outside I will bring my umbrella with me. None
Hopefully, the weather will change soon otherwise, the whole summer will go by without the sun shining. None
We will play tennis tomorrow then we will go out for dinner. None
Some colleges offer full time scholarships while others do not. None
Having examined all the data gathered for my study, I was ready to write the final chapter of my dissertation. None
We may go to Dublin, Mexico City, Amsterdam, or Hawaii. None
Many companies make low-fat foods these foods contain less than five percent of fat per serving. None
The weeds in my yard are very green, unfortunately, the grass is brown and dying. None
The best days of his life have been January 3, 2000; March 26, 2007, and December 25, 1979. None
Even though I tell the customers that their film will be ready the next day, they still come back in one hour. None
The walls of this ancient city were ruined during a war in early 400 AD. None
Mike wants to go to the conference next semester, therefore, he needs to submit a proposal soon. None