Predicted values for a, b) FEV1, c, d) FVC and e, f) FEV1/FVC by sex and ethnic group. a, c, e) Males and b, d, f) females. Predicted values for a, b)


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Presentation transcript:

Predicted values for a, b) FEV1, c, d) FVC and e, f) FEV1/FVC by sex and ethnic group. a, c, e) Males and b, d, f) females. Predicted values for a, b) FEV1, c, d) FVC and e, f) FEV1/FVC by sex and ethnic group. a, c, e) Males and b, d, f) females. Graphs were generated using mean height for age in Caucasians to illustrate proportional differences between ethnic groups of the same height and age; in practice, differences in height for age further affect predicted values. The rise and fall in FEV1/FVC around adolescence is due to differential changes in FEV1 and FVC. Reproduced from [15]. Brendan G. Cooper et al. Breathe 2017;13:e56-e64 ©2017 by European Respiratory Society