CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure Alena Malachová Project Administrator Information Day RI, 2.2.2018 CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure
CEITEC overview Established in 2011 6 partners 630 researchers (FTE) 7 research programmes 61 research groups 25,000 m2 of new laboratories 12 core facilities (= research infrastructure) Budget (eligible cost): EUR 208/ USD 275 mil. Start of research activities: Q1 2011 CEITEC Brno
Built on a foundation of 6 institutions CEITEC Brno
CEITEC overview Established in 2011 6 partners 630 researchers (FTE) 7 research programmes 61 research groups 25,000 m2 of new laboratories 12 core facilities (= research infrastructure) Budget (eligible cost): EUR 208/ USD 275 mil. Start of research activities: Q1 2011 CEITEC Brno
Overview of all CEITEC Core facilities Plant Science Bioinformatics
CEITEC successes so far Incresing number of Q1 and T10 publications 4 ERC grants 3 Twinning projects (2016-2018) 3 Teaming Phase 1 projects 4 ESFRI EuroNanoLab CEITEC Brno
CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure
CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure CEITEC’s largest core facility The CEITEC Nano provides state-of-the-art equipment needed for excellent basic and applied research in the field of nanotechnology. Users mainly from academia. Initial investment of approx. 30M€ (12M€ cleanrooms, 18M€ equipment), Running costs 2M€ /year, reinvestments 2M€ /year Czech Roadmap for Large Research Infrastructures = independent financing (75-90%) This funding depends mainly on number of users and publication of the users. Beyond the services to academic community, we can offer up to 20% of our capacity to industry. (Currently 8%)
CEITEC Nano RI laboratories nano.ceitec.cz
Nanofabrication and nanocharacterization cleanroom nano.ceitec.cz
User policy Academic users Commercial users Self-service access Users pay a flat-rate of 1 200 Euro per calendar or academic year. Purchase of services Users pay an hourly rate of approx. 75 Euro Scientific collaboration ”Free service” (scientific output expected) Commercial users Self-service access Users pay a training fee of 1 200 Euro per calendar year and hourly rate for equipment (approx. 120 Euro/hour). Purchase of services Users pay an hourly rate of approx. 160 Euro nano.ceitec.cz
Available instruments Statistics for 2017 Available instruments 75 nano.ceitec.cz
EuroNanoLab CEITEC Brno
EuroNanoLab Emerging ESFRI project, submitted in August 2017 for 2018 ESFRI Roadmap update Large scale distributed research infrastructure in the field of nanofabrication (Academic clean room nanofabrication laboratories) Targeting 3 main scientific communities: Quantum technologies Nanomedicine / BioNanodevices Nanomaterials nano.ceitec.cz
Mission Statement ACCELERATE RESEARCH SHARE COMPETENCE ENHANCE Improving access and speeding up time to result for researchers requiring fabrication at the nanoscale Collecting and sharing data on processes, results and training ACCELERATE RESEARCH SHARE COMPETENCE ENHANCE EXCELLENCE STRENGTHENING COOPERATION Strengthening scientific knowledge, promoting scientific cooperation and integration Enhancing scientific excellence in the field of nanofabrication nano.ceitec.cz
Involved Countries EuroNanoLab received financial support from 2 and political support from 8 member counties France (lead partner) political and financial support Czech Republic political and financial support Political support: Norway Sweden The Netherlands Italy Spain Portugal More countries will be included in the preparatory phase
Project timeline Design Phase Preparatory Phase Implementation phase Operation Phase Interim governance & staffing Harmonizing policies Technical roadmaps Concept feasibility Process sharing concept Prep. of e-RI Business model Legal entity Central Hub creation Process development & transfer Access center E-infrastructure Joint investments Training / education Wide open-access provision New scientific strategies Process development & transfer Regular monitoring & assessment Partner selection Concept development Preliminary scientific strategy Design study Initial business model 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 ….
Looking forward to new partners in the future! Academic nanolabs (publicly funded) 1 partner per country (national node) Minimum commitment from partners: Actively promote EuroNanoLab Commit up to 30 % of capacity to EuroNanoLab Promote access to research infrastructure based on the principles as set up by the European Charter for Access to Research Infrastructures Exchange relevant information Work jointly with the other Parties to fulfil the intent of the MoU
E-mail: alena.malachova@ceitec.vutbr.cz @CEITEC_Brno Thank you for your attention! Ing. Alena Malachová Tel.: +420 541 149 260 E-mail: alena.malachova@ceitec.vutbr.cz www.ceitec.eu