Agenda - General Assembly Copenhagen, Denmark – June 3, 2010 Minutes of the General Assembly 2009 – Nantes EMAC Survey & Heads of Marketing Department Forum Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award Elections 2010 - New Officers Financial results 2009 Membership situation Publications External Relations Future EMAC conferences EMAC 2010 conference Miscellaneous
EMAC 2010 Membership Survey Veronica Wong Objectives of the Survey Ascertain members’ needs, expectations, and satisfaction Monitor and identify changes (2008 vs 2010) Inform strategic priorities 2 2
Sample and Demographics EMAC 2010 Survey Sample and Demographics 246 out of 936 members responded (26% response rate) New members (62%, who joined EMAC in the last 10 years) Males (60%) Residents of Europe (72%) Young members (37% in their thirties; 23% aged thirty or less) A larger proportion of younger members and PhD candidates compared to 2008 Survey 3 3
EMAC Survey 2010 VS. 2008 Importance of Services for Joining Academic Association (1: Low importance, 7: High importance) Conference(s) Journal(s) Networking Membership fee Web presence Other publications (p<0.05) 4 4
EMAC Survey 2010 VS. 2008 Satisfaction with Each EMAC Service (1: Low satisfaction, 7: High satisfaction) Annual conference IJRM Networking Newsletter Chronicle Website Membership fee Academic Resource Portal (p<0.01) (p<0.05) 5 5
Attributes of IJRM (1: Totally disagree, 7: Totally agree) EMAC Survey 2010 VS. 2008 Attributes of IJRM (1: Totally disagree, 7: Totally agree) The journal has highly qualified reviewers The journal has a good overall reputation (prestige) Publications in the IJRM have a high impact on career development The review process is constructive The journal has a diverse readership The journal is my first choice in submitting my best work (p<0.05) 6 6
Published Work in IJRM (1: Totally disagree, 7: Totally agree) EMAC Survey 2010 VS. 2008 Published Work in IJRM (1: Totally disagree, 7: Totally agree) (p<0.05) high quality papers diversity of European marketing research European-based research balance between qualitative and quantitative research methods quantitative/econometric modeling qualitative research methods of current concern to business practice relevant to managers insight into practice of marketing 7 7
Importance in influencing satisfaction CONFERENCE: Satisfaction with attributes and effect on overall satisfaction with Conference Level of satisfaction Importance in influencing satisfaction Higher Lower Networking*; Social event* Quality of sessions**; Value-for- money** Rotation of host/country; Diversity of topics Regression of satisfaction with attribute on overall satisfaction: * p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; Adj R2 =0.46, F=19.11, p<0.01 8
Importance in influencing satisfaction IJRM: Agreement with attributes and effect on overall satisfaction with IJRM Level of agreement Importance in influencing satisfaction Higher Lower Highly qualified reviewers* First choice for submitting best work;** Diverse readership** Prestige; High impact on career development Regression of agreement levels on overall satisfaction: * p< 0.05; **p< 0.01; Adj R2=0.51; F=34.45, p<0.01 9
EMAC 2010 Survey Experience with other EMAC services Chronicle & Newsletter Structure good Informative (general and specific to European academics) Lower score for Educational character Website Usefulness Ease of use Online job market Academic Resource Portal Structure Participation among members felt to be low 10 10
EMAC 2010 Survey Regression analysis: Effects of satisfaction with each EMAC service on overall Experience, Renewal, & Recommendation p<0.05 p<0.01 Membership Fee Networking IJRM Annual Conference Recommending EMAC Renewing Overall Experience/ Satisfaction Dependent Variables Independent Variables 11 11
EMAC Survey 2010 VS. 2008 Difference in Mean Scores between General Satisfaction with EMAC Services and Importance of Services for Joining Association Conference(s) Journal(s) Networking Membership fee Web presence Other publications 12 12
EMAC 2010 Survey Summary Overall EMAC SATISFACTION: 4 KEY DRIVERS - Conferences, Networking, IJRM – satisfaction level also HIGH - Membership fee – satisfaction level LOW(er) What about LOYALTY (renewal and recommendation)? - Membership fee and Annual Conference the only two that dominates What are the GAPS in expectation vs satisfaction? - Website, Newsletter, Chronicle - Exceed expectations - Conference, IJRM, Networking, Membership fee – gaps created by higher member expectations 13 13
EMAC 2010 Survey Strategic Implications I Doing the best we can to meet and exceed members’ expectations and deliver superior value-for-money…. Membership fee - Reduce? - Increase to generate revenue to create and enhance services? - Avoid ‘price myopia’, adhere to ‘value-based’ pricing Conferences: - Reinforce success factors: high quality paper sessions, value-for- money, networking opportunities, and social events 14 14
Strategic Implications II EMAC 2010 Survey Strategic Implications II IJRM: A positioning problem, fixed this through editorial policy, & assiduously communicating evidence of its current ‘true form’ - Redress perceived bias (towards quantitative/econometric/modeling research) which may be barrier to ‘first choice’ - Emphasize evidence for openness to diverse methodologies (qualitative, exploratory, and conceptual works) and topics - Management- and industry- orientation to be encouraged. Networking: - Better utilize Website as communications and social networking channel - More creatively deploy recently upgraded Academic Research Portal - Tap EMAC’s changing member demographics 15 15