Primary Literacy 2011-2012 Accomplishments: New progress monitoring for PK (CPALLS +) Received TPRI/Tejas LEE progress monitoring kits for all primary teachers (grades K-2) Trained Elementary Principals on accelerating reading instruction in the primary grades AISD awarded a$5.1 million Texas Literacy Initiative Grant that includes support for PK-2nd grade in elementary schools and Pre-K centers in Travis and Lanier Vertical Teams. Grant includes funding for 2 District Pre-K Specialists, 2 District Primary Specialists, and 11 Campus-based Literacy Specialists. 2011-2012 Priorities: The Department of Language Arts will design and deliver… TPRI/Tejas LEE progress monitoring training in collaboration with RtI team . Hire Literacy Grant funded positions. Systematic, explicit training for primary literacy specialists and campus-based specialists during summer and fall of 2012, planning for 2012-2013 primary literacy PD Literacy Illuminates: Leading Austin to a Brighter Future campaign in collaboration with the Joint Sub-Committee entities to address primary literacy Goals for 2012-2013: Training and coaching for primary teachers in Travis and Lanier VTs Intensive training and support for primary grades ELA collaboration with Special Programs to support Dual Language Planning for expansion of ACE Americorp to support students in grades PK-2
Literacy Grant/Literacy Campaign 2011-2012 Accomplishments: AISD awarded a$5.1 million Texas Literacy Initiative Grant to enhance current literacy efforts within the Travis and Lanier VTs, connecting pathways of feeder-patterns from elementary, middle and high school and including community-based preschools and childcare programs. Joint Sub-Committee collaboration (Austin ISD, City of Austin, Travis County) established a Literacy Campaign Community Advisory Committee and agreed upon a name, slogan, an logo: Literacy Illuminates: Leading Austin to a Brighter Future. Campaign will be launched at Austin’s Great Grown-up Spelling Bee on May 9, 2012 at the Austin Music Hall. 2011-2012 Priorities: Systematic PD and campus-based support and coaching for rigorous evidence-based literacy instruction and interventions for Travis and Lanier VTs (grant) Expand PD and support to include campuses in other targeted VTs (grant) Increase general community awareness and engagement in the issue of literacy (campaign) Connect adults in need of literacy services with free instructional programs in Austin and bolster the programs to receive additional clients (campaign) Increase parents’ ability to help improve their children’s literacy and success in school (campaign) Goals for 2012-2013: Work with partners on messaging strategies to include website, referral cards, pamphlets, resource cards, and bus signage (campaign)
English Language Arts 2011-2012 Accomplishments: 2011-2012 Priorities: Instructional supports and training to support transition from TAKS to STAAR Revised the K-12 CRMs to include ELPS, differentiation and technology. Developed MoY and short-cycle assessment for grades 3 – 12 AISD Comprehensive Literacy Handbook to be published in the May of 2012 Awarded Texas Reading Initiative Grant to support literacy from birth to grade 12 Collaborated with RtI to develop and publish the Tiered Academic Plan for literacy and to order TPRI/Tejas LEE progress monitoring instruments (K-2). 2011-2012 Priorities: Revise the K-12 CRMs to include CCRS, 21st Century Skills, and model lessons Review and revise Benchmark and SCAs based on statistical analysis Hire district staff to support Literacy Grant Initiative Develop detailed plan for Comprehensive Literacy Initiative PD on reading interventions for middle and high school Goals for 2012-2013: Intensive training and coaching support for campus-based literacy specialists and teachers in Lanier and Travis VTs. ELA collaboration with Special Programs to support Dual Language. Expansion of ACE Americorp and high dosage tutoring Develop PD and other instructional modules to support reading and writing instruction .