9th Grade College and Career Readiness with GCIS
Have students to log into their ASPEN account Login ID: Student ID (LASID) Password: Birthdate, in format of MMDDYYYY
Students must then click Page Directory
Click SLDS Icon below
Click the SLDS icon
Click the “My Career Plan” icon on the right side of the screen.
Disable the popup blocker then click okay Disable the popup blocker then click okay. The popup blocker must be disabled in order to access the Occupation Exploration page.
Click on the “Occupation Exploration” step and select at least 3 additional occupations that you did not select in 8th grade. Save 3 occupations to your portfolio.
Click, “Choose your Occupation (3)”
All 9th graders must EXPLORE at least three (3) Careers/Occupations and SAVE at least 3 occupations in their electronic career profile.
To save an occupation, click on the occupation and click save on the right side of the screen below.
Click SAVE INFORMATION to add occupations to your portfolio.
Click occupations to return to the screen to choose more occupations Click occupations to return to the screen to choose more occupations. Students must save at least 3 occupations.
Students should refresh their screen after adding at least 3 occupations. Completed status in green should show.
Happy career exploration 100% Completion of all students required Students must save at least 3 careers/occupations in their portfolio Teachers please fill out the google spreadsheet for any students who was absent or was not able to complete the required activity. Keep in mind, many of the occupations have videos students can watch to gather more information about different careers.
Troubleshooting Click Yes and use your ASPEN Login