Illustration of matched (FL-IFN-γR2/GFP and IFN-γR1/EBFP) and mismatched (IFN-γR1/EBFP and FL-IL-10R2/GFP) pairs of receptors. Illustration of matched (FL-IFN-γR2/GFP and IFN-γR1/EBFP) and mismatched (IFN-γR1/EBFP and FL-IL-10R2/GFP) pairs of receptors. The matched pair, FL-IFN-γR2/GFP and FL-IFN-γR1/EBFP, are the two chains of the IFN-γ receptor complex fused to GFP and EBFP, respectively. The mismatched pair, IFN-γR1/EBFP and FL-IL-10R2/GFP, are the first chain of the IFN-γ receptor complex and the second chain of the IL-10 receptor complex, fused to EBFP and GFP, respectively. Christopher D. Krause et al. Mol Cell Proteomics 2002;1:805-815 © 2002 The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology