DO’S AND DON’T ON PURCHASING September 2018-August 2019 Kim Tocci, Lead Buyer Ext: 4589 Nora Macias, Purchasing Clerk Ext: 7022 Amelia Mendoza, Purchasing Clerk Ext: 7089
Things to remember One thing to remember is that you always need to get an approved Purchase Order before you buy anything. Purchases without an approved Purchase Order are not allowed. The District has the option of not paying for materials and supplies if a Purchase Order was not approved.
Purchases If you are buying supplies and materials that cost less then $10,000 then 3 quotes are not needed (only 1 quote with order details for your information). (Federal Funds must follow EDGAR thresholds) If you are buying items that cost $10,000 or greater than you are required to get 3 different vendor quotes. (Federal Funds must follow EDGAR thresholds) Make sure the items being quoted are the exact same size, quality, and quantity. When asking for a quote from a Co-op online or over the phone request that the quote reflect the contract pricing. Bid Number Field: Must Contain Co-Op Name, “Pre-Pay”, “Credit Card”…..etc. The District uses the following 6 on-line Vendors: Office Depot, Lakeshore, R.W. Gonzalez Office, Reliant Business, and School Specialty, Staples Advantage
Purchases The exception to getting three quotes is: If you are buying from a vendor that is listed as a member of a Co-operative. Note: Co-operatives are also referred to as an Approved Vendor. If the Vendor is a Sole Source Vendor. Note: Services are not Sole Source Examples of Co-ops are Buy Board, TxMAS, TCPN, Region 20, US Communities. A complete listing of Co-ops is on the Purchasing website. If the amount being purchased exceeds $50,000 dollars then the District must advertise and go out for formal bids and Board approval is required The exception is, if the vendor is a Co-op member or a Sole Source vendor. Board approval is required for purchases $50,000 or greater if the Vendor is a Sole Source Vendor. If the Vendor is a member of a Co-op then Board approval is not required regardless of the amount. Allow five (5) working days for a requisition to be approved by the Purchasing Department. Pre Pay’s: Need to be completed five (5) working days prior to the check run for when the check is needed. PO’s not meeting this deadline may not be processed .
Other Purchasing Methods A Sole Source Affidavit is a Purchasing method that can be used to buy goods and services with one quote. It can only by used if the product you are buying has a copyright, patent or is not made by any other company (in the Universe). A Sole Source Affidavit must be scanned into Laserfiche as support to your requisition. The Sole Source Affidavit are VALID for only 1 year.
Don’t Forget to identify the Month(s) the PO will be used for Open PO’s Open PO’s are Purchase Orders that are allowed for “one month” and can be used by the campus or department. (This includes Transportation for Field Trips) The only departments (6) allowed to do “quarterly” open PO’s are: Food Service Business Office Maintenance Transportation Athletics Superintendent EISD Board Police Department Don’t Forget to identify the Month(s) the PO will be used for Consultant services on an annual contract are allowed annual PO’s
Miscellaneous Information A W-9 Form is required for all new Vendors. We use the W-9 to set up vendors in our TxEIS Vendor File. If a vendor has a change of address or a change of name then a new W-9 is needed Email the W-9’s to Kim, Nora and Amelia. Office Supplies and Small Office Equipment Office supplies are coded 6399 Small equipment (Less than $5,000.00) is coded 6395. These items need to be tagged by the inventory department. Do not combine object codes 6395 and 6399 on the same requisition. Items coded 6395 are chairs, filing cabinets, desk, and small equipment. They need to be on a separate requisition. These small equipment requisitions coded 6395 will be shipped to our receiving department for inventory tagging. Furniture and Software equipment over $5,000.00 is coded to 6639 Technology equipment will be shipped to the Technology Department for tagging.
Travel Travel Authorization Form MUST BE completed PRIOR to creating travel requisitions ALL student travel Requisitions MUST INCLUDE a current roster of students and a telephone number for each student who will be going on trip. We recommend the travel authorization requisitions be processed 3-4 weeks prior to dates of travel. Travel expenses incurred due to the fault of a traveler, except for extenuating circumstances, such as late registration, cancelled flight, etc. are not considered to be reasonable or necessary; therefore, all such expenses shall be paid or reimbursed by the traveler. Pre Pay’s: Need to be completed five (5) working days prior to the check run for when the check is needed. PO’s not meeting this deadline may not be processed and the employee may pay out of pocket and get reimbursed on a Travel Settlement.
Contracts The Superintendent is the only person authorized to obligate the District. NO ONE has the authorization to sign any contract, agreement or MOU on behalf of the district. Laserfiche Form “Statement of Work” needs to be created for every agreement/contract. Dollar thresholds apply to Contract’s and Agreements. All Contract’s, Agreements and MOU’s need to be forwarded to Kim Tocci, Lead Buyer. Mrs. Tocci will send any document needing signature to the Superintendent's office for signature. The signed contract, agreement or MOU will be forwarded to the Secretary/Bookkeeper for completion. A copy of a completed contract, agreement or MOU should be forwarded to Mrs. Tocci.