Today’s Learning Objective This week we will learn the importance of and the benefits of planning and managing our time and assignments in our college classes. Our Agenda: Quick Write Quick Write Reflection Time and Task Management Activity Reflection
Quick Write: On a sheet of paper, respond to the statement below. Explain the benefits of making lists, recording tasks, and keeping a calendar. You have 10 minutes to write and reflect on this statement. Share your response with a partner.
Quick Write Reflection Calendar Keepers: What do you like about keeping a calendar? How does this habit help you manage your classes? Non- Calendar Keepers: What gets in the way of making this a regular habit? Everybody: How do you personally keep track of your assignments, activities, and any other thing of that nature?
Time and Task Management: What do you always make time to do every week that’s really important to you? Activity Instructions: On a sheet of paper, log how you spend your time throughout the week. (Use approximate times and be honest with yourself) Reflection: *What do you notice about how you spend your time? *In what areas do you spend most of your time doing? *In what areas do you spend very little time?
When We are Managing our Time and Tasks, We PREP! Prioritize Reorganize Eliminate Plan Ahead
Time and Task Management: Let’s PREP: Prioritize: Sort your To Do List into THREE groups. 1’s are absolutely essential for having a productive, successful week at school, 2s are important for your physical and mental health, and your relationships with family and friends, 3s are everything else (i.e.…video games) Reorganize: Predict how much time the most important tasks will take. Write a day of the week next to each # 1 and each #2 task. These are the two things each day you will make sure you do. If you have multiple tasks that will take significant amounts of time, spread them out. *For example, AP Human Geography Homework might a #1 on a Monday Night if the homework is due on Tuesday.
Time and Task Management: Let’s PREP: Eliminate: Cross out two things from your list that are either unrealistic expectations for this week or things that won’t have a negative impact on your life if they don’t get done. *For example, I don’t necessarily HAVE to clean my house. It would be nice to do it, but I have other more important things to accomplish! Plan Ahead: Forecast (Predict) three important To Do’s that you know you will need to schedule time for next week. *For example, you may have a large reading assignment or a test next week in one of your classes. It might be a good idea to plan accordingly…break your reading or studying into manageable tasks.
Share with your classmates your top priorities for this upcoming week. Closure: Share with your classmates your top priorities for this upcoming week.
Today’s Learning Objective Today we will learn strategies for managing stress and how this can impact both in school and out of school. Our Agenda: Quick Write Quick Write Reflection Activity Reflection
Quick Write: On a sheet of paper, respond to the statement below. When you find yourself in stressful situations, how do you manage? In other words, how do you manage your stress? A Partner: Share your response with your B Partner. B Partner: Share your response with your A Partner.
*Taking a Mindful Moment *Practice Deep Breathing and Relaxation Mindfulness: What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is being aware of our thoughts and feelings, and choosing what we pay attention to. How do you practice Mindfulness? *Taking a Mindful Moment *Practice Deep Breathing and Relaxation
Mindful Moments: This is a way to take the time to quiet your brain and still your body. To slow down and see where your attention is and if it needs to refocus. Many of us are used to being on the go so often, that we forget how to slow ourselves down. Sitting still and quiet might feel uncomfortable for you at first, and that’s okay. Let that feeling come and let it go when it’s ready.
Reflection: How can this particular practice help us effectively manage stressful and emotionally difficult situations? How can this practice help us with our academic responsibilities (stress) at CRCA and ACC?
How mindful we are impacts what feelings we will have How mindful we are impacts what feelings we will have. When we stay stuck on a certain feeling, like anger or sadness, it can make the feeling grow even bigger and last longer, and we might miss out on the good things happening around us. When we take the time to be mindful, to refocus our attention, it can help us move on and lead successful lives.