English 4 Unit: Looking for Alaska Unit 2: Day 1 English 4 Unit: Looking for Alaska
Write to the following prompt: Bellringer: Define “narrative style” and identify the narrative point of view from which the story of Looking for Alaska is related. Why do you think the author chooses to tell the story from a first-person narrative point of view? What are the benefits of this narrative style? What are the limitations?
Agenda Warm-up: Journal Read pgs. 4-21 Independent creative project: Miles as Protagonist Exit ticket: reflection journal
Today’s Assignment: During reading, take one paragraph and rewrite the narrative from a different perspective. You might choose to keep a first person narrative to change who the narrator is, or you might choose to write the story from a third-person omniscient narrator perspective. How does this different narrative style change the story?
Homework due Thursday: Read pages 21-38 (stop at 110 days before) Study for your vocab quiz! Remember to look at synonyms & antonyms
“Who is miles?” Project due next week Complete an independent creative project which illustrates and analyzes the character of Miles Halter as the protagonist and narrator of Looking for Alaska. (For example, create a poster using quotes or descriptions from the novel to draw a representation of how you visualize Miles as a person). What can you discern about Miles’s character based on his use of language? How does Miles describe his own appearance? What kind of relationships does Miles have with his parents? How would you describe Miles’s outlook on life in the first chapter of the novel?
Ticket out the door Exit ticket: Choose three different sentence stems from your “Reading Response” list & complete them pertaining to today’s reading in your journal.