Prioritizing Health . . . . Together Shared Resources Networking Collaboration System Changes Education Work Place Wellness Consortium Healthy Environment Best Practices Technical Support Culture of Health Policies
Who responded Anytime Fitness of Litchfield Custom Products of Litchfield Dassel Lakeside Ecumen of Litchfield Ecumen of Hutchinson Felling Trailers Hutchinson Health Hutchinson Public Schools Hutchinson Technology Litchfield Chamber of Commerce Litchfield Area Mentorship Program McLeod County Meeker Memorial Hospital and Clinic Southern Prairie Center for community Health Improvement Note: There will be additional businesses and groups who will be participating but may not have filled out the initial survey
What types of organizations responded
Information about a wellness team Does your organization have a workplace wellness budget? Yes 66% No 33% Do you have a wellness team established in your organization Yes 60% No 40%
Does your organization’s health insurance carrier offer a wellness program?
Does your organization participate in the wellness program offered through your heath insurance carrier?
Is your organization interested in participating in the workplace wellness consortium? Yes 67% NO 0 Undecided 33% Note: We have other organizations participating who were not able to be here today. We would appreciate your help in talking to others to help strengthen the work place in our region.
How often would you prefer the consortium meet? Bimonthly 29.41% Quarterly 70.59%
What time of day works best for meetings?
What format would provide the greatest opportunity for participation? Option 1: Meet together as a large group one location half way 62 % Option 2: Meet together alternating places 19% Option 3: Meet separately 19%
What barriers have you encountered ? Capacity of staff time ( x 5) Being able to measure outcomes Action by employees – started strong and offered programs and employees did not follow through Available time Geographical distance between employees Financial support Accommodating for different work “areas” and shifts Finding the right activities, dates, times in which employees will participate Limitations on what we can offer due to be a governmental organization