Group/Student Name Include a picture/clip art Business Name Group/Student Name Include a picture/clip art
Let’s get Started Discuss business – type and what services offered Include your slogan Include your logo / picture Use Word Art for the title of slide
Background Information Student 1 – Background information Add photo of self using digital camera/phone Student 2 – Background information Add photo of self using digital camera/phone
List of Services Offered Create a table of the different types of services/menu items offered/prices Product Name Price Picture
Location Crop a map from the internet showing location of business and label where your business will be located We are here!
Employee Qualifications How many employees will be hired What type of education will they need How will you advertise that you are hiring employees
Photos from Happy Customers Insert at least 6 pictures from your business
How will you give back to the community? Tell us Show us / 2 pictures