GUIDANCE ON PLANNING PROCESS Results 4/5 July Meeting Redefine the scope of the guidance Have it prepared for the end of the year 2002. Scope would include: basically the flow charts preliminary steps (2004 tasks) All the other aspects that need input from the rest of the WGs and principally WG 4.1 (Pilot river basins) would be incorporated into WP 4 (deadline 2005)
GUIDANCE ON PLANNING PROCESS Table of Contents 1. How to use this Document? 2. Introduction. Implementing the WFD. 3. Principles relevant for the planning process and needs for the decision-making process (WWF,UK,FI). 4. General overview and overall flowchart of the planning process. (DE, FR, FI, NL). 5. Specific flowcharts and links with other topics involved, task assignment (Who? and When?). (DE, FI, FR, NL, WWF). 6. Inspiring examples/available in MS (All). 7. Designing a RBMP. Linking the planning process with the Plan. (DE, FR).
GUIDANCE ON PLANNING PROCESS Presentation of Planning Levels
GUIDANCE ON PLANNING PROCESS Timetable 12 July: Send items ("bullet points") for the contents of each section of the ToC to the Drafting Group lead (ES). 17 July: ES to send a task assignment proposal to contributors. 10 Sept.: Deliver contributions to ES 15 Sept.: Meeting of the Drafting Group 20 Sept.: First draft to be circulated to all WG 2.9 members. 14 Oct.: WG 2.9 meeting in Brussels to discuss and approve the draft guidance. 24 Oct.: Finalise the preparation of the document 7-8 Nov.: Presentation of draft at the SCG meeting.