External Data Usage in Florida Jonathan Blakely, M.S. Florida Department of Education
Overview of Data Systems PK-20 Education Data Warehouse Created in 2003 27 Data Sources into One System Availability from 1995 forward Primary Areas PK-12 Staff and Student Information Career and Adult Education (Workforce Information) State Colleges (Community Colleges) State Universities
Data Systems (cont.) External sources for College Board data College Board (directly) Annual data extracts Fall release of SAT/AP Data sharing agreement State Colleges and Universities Application information Florida Bright Futures Scores used for eligibility determinations Repository SAT and ACT scores
Research, Evaluation, and Reporting External Research Requests Three submission periods Anonymous student-level data provided Entire PK-20 spectrum available Other External Research Requests Florida Legislature Governor of Florida State Board of Education Other requests (research institutes, media groups, etc.)
Research, Evaluation, and Reporting (cont.)
Research, Evaluation, and Reporting (cont.) Internal Research Concordance studies SAT, ACT, CPT, and more PK-20 pipeline topics Credit-by-exam study College “readiness” Multiple ad-hoc requests Evaluation and Reporting High school feedback report Participation and performance reports
Accountability High School Grades A-F system based on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) Changed in 2009-10 50% still based on FCAT, remaining 50% based on non-FCAT components. Inclusion of graduation rate Inclusion of accelerated coursework and measures of postsecondary readiness Growth or decline in the measures affects points awarded.
Accountability (cont.) Standard Setting Process Concordance for End-of-Course assessments Changing cut-scores of FCAT Impact on accountability processes Future processes Continued work on college “readiness” measures New assessments and setting benchmarks