Vocabulary List: dict = speak
What is the root that means speak?
the root dict
What is the word that describes what someone writes down when he or she writes down everything you say so that you can remember it later?
dictation what is written down as someone says it
What is the word that describes how someone speaks?
diction the manner in which something is express in words (written or spoken)
What is the word that names the book you look in if you wanted to know how to say a word correctly or if you needed a definition for a word?
dictionary a reference book in which spoken or written words are defined
What is the word that names the act of officially charging someone with a crime?
indictment formal words spoken or written by a jury that charge a person with a crime
What is the word that names a judge’s ruling or statement?
dictum a judge’s ruling or statement
What is the word that describes what someone does when she doesn’t agree and actually says the opposite as someone else?
contradict to speak against; to say the opposite
What is the word that describes what good readers do before reading to help them form expectations about what they will read?
predict to say what will happen before it occurs
What is the word that describes what someone would have heard announced many years ago in a town square, perhaps by a major?
edict public words issued by an official that explain a law or command
What is the word that names the type of ruler who makes everyone do what he or she says?
dictator a leader who speaks and rules with total power
What is the word that names the decision a jury makes in a trial related to guilt or innocence?
verdict the decision a jury in a trial; the decision said by the jury