Artemis Krystal Pasciak
Background Greek Name: Artemis Roman Name: Diana Heritage: Daughter of Zeus and Leto, twin sister of Apollo Divine powers: Lights the dark, helps women with any kind of pain, protects girls until the age of marriage, goddess over many things
Symbols Artemis is associated with golden bow and arrows, hunting dogs, stags, the “Daughters of Okeanos”, and the moon She got the first couple from Zeus as a child She’s considered the moon since Apollo is considered the sun Artemis has responsibility over young girls and their virginity, protector of childbirth/labor, the hunt, and wildlife
Top 10 Things to Know Artemis: Guarded her virginity and killed anyone who thought about/tried to take it Has eternal virginity and will never marry Was a very important Goddess to women Didn’t want fame or cities or wealth when asked what she wanted from Zeus Healed all pains/illnesses in women Was very protective of her animals and nymphs Never missed anything she shot at Almost never had a male companion with her Illuminated the darkness for the people after sunset Only ever loved one man but accidentally killed him
Artemis and Orion Overview: Artemis met and became best friends with the mortal Orion, who Apollo didn’t like and was jealous of, so he plotted against them by lying to Artemis and tricking her into firing an arrow at an object in the sea that turned out to be Orion. Since Artemis never misses, she killed Orion and placed him in the stars after she realized what she had done.
Artemis Quiz Artemis is Goddess of ________, ________ and ________. One of Artemis’ symbols is a ________. Artemis’ parents are ________ and ________.