Tumor board session I Clinical cases Carlos Vargas, MD. Camilo Fadul MD, FACN. Andrés Felipe Cardona, MD MSc PhD. Hernán Carranza, MD MSc. Javier Segovia, MD. Álvaro Muñoz, MD. Juan Fernando Ramón, MD MSc
Brain metastasesof BRAF+ melanoma Case 1 Brain metastasesof BRAF+ melanoma 63-year-old female Mother and daughter with melanoma (Familial Atypical Multiple Melanoma Syndrome) Abnormal melanotic lesion in right ear (malignant melanoma, Clark IV, Breslow 3.2 mm) First genomic evaluation: p16INK4+/BRAFV600K+ Symptoms: numbness and weakness in her left leg Spinal MRI revealed metastatic disease involving the spinal cord at C5 and T3, and 8 mm focal-enhancing T1 metástasis in T1. A brain MRI scan revealed four metastases, including a dominant 3.5×2.2×2.7 cm lesion in the right posterior parietal cortex
Brain metastasesof BRAF+ melanoma Case 1 Brain metastasesof BRAF+ melanoma Treatment: Parietal cortex lesion was surgically removed (01.2012) SRS (3 aditional lesions; 02.2012) TMZ 200 mg/m2 5/28 x 7 cycles (SD + TTP 8.2 months → 09.2012) Lung and bone progression Ipilimumab/Zoledronic acid x 4 cycles (PR + TTP 13 months → 12.2013) Edema surrounding previously identified brain and cord metastases Bevacizumab 7.5 mg/kg x 3 cycles + Celecoxib 200 mg qd (complete regression of edema) Brain progression (4 additional metastases) SRS + Ipilimumab reinduction → Ipi maintenance (PR + TTP 9 months → 10.2014)
Pre-Ipi therapy Post-Ipi therapy
Brain metastasesof BRAF+ melanoma Case 1 Brain metastasesof BRAF+ melanoma Treatment: Brain and lung progression Vemurafenib (SD + TTP 5.6 months → 05.2015) Brain, bone and live progression h. Carboplatin/Weekly paclitaxel (PR + TTP 6.0 months → 11.2015)
Brain metastasesof EGFR+ LAC Case 2 Brain metastasesof EGFR+ LAC 2012 Case presentation 61 year old man Former smoker (2 cigarettes/day for 5 years) Family history: none Presents with headache related to brain metastases/leptomeningeal disease PET/CT shows spiculated LUL mass Biopsy: lung adenocarcinoma (TTF1+, Napsin A+, Ck7+) First genomic evaluation: EGFRdel19/T790M basal(-), ALK(-), TS (T1)/ERCC1(T1)
Response to erlotinib in first line Pre-erlotinib 8 weeks post-erlotinib
Anaplastic meningioma Case 3 Anaplastic meningioma Case presentation 54 year-old female Previous history of early breast cancer (1996) Clinical history 4 years (unstable gait, tremor and seizures) Right parasagittal parietal meningioma adjacent to the right precentral gyrus Treatment: Primary resection (11.05.1998) → Atypical meningioma (no residual disease) Secondary resection (20.02.2007) → Atypical meningioma (no residual disease) IMRT (04.2007; CR → TTP 19 months) Tertiary resection (06.2009; Two nodules of residual disease with estimated volume of 36 mm3) SRS (08.2009; PR → TTP 14 months)
Genomic evaluation (2013): SR2(-)/TSLC1(+)/PDGFR(-)/NF2c. 699G:T (p Genomic evaluation (2013): SR2(-)/TSLC1(+)/PDGFR(-)/NF2c.699G:T (p.Leu233Leu)
Anaplastic meningioma Case 3 Anaplastic meningioma Treatment: f. Everolimus + Octeotride (12.2010; PR → TTP 26 months) g. Bevacizumab monotherapy 15 mg/kg q15 days (03.2013; SD → TTP 9 months) h. Sunitinib 37 mg qd (02.2014; PR → TTP 28 months – current treatment) Overall survival with targeted therapy: 63 months CD34 VEGF
Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor Case 4 Supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor Case presentation 52 year-old female No previous history Clinical history 1 month (dense quadriparesis and sensory alteration with T1 level) Large extramedullary intradural expansive lesion extending from the occipital foramen to C3-4 involving the posterior aspect of the left canal and right frontal lobe nodule (22 mm) Treatment: Partial resection (09.2013) → PNET (positive immunohistochemistry for CD99 and synaptophysin, and negative for NG84, EMA, PFAG and TTF1) Carboplatin/Etoposide/Cy x 3 cycles (10.02.2013; CR) Craniospinal radiotherapy (06.2013; CR)