“Miss” Anna & “Miss Princess’s Class Classroom # : 202 Conference Time: 1:30-2:30 Email: acowart@emanuel.k12.ga.us Phone #: 478-206-6456 Reading Grammar We will be reading the book Edward the Emu by Sheena Knowles as our mentor text. We will learn about making predictions. Our vocabulary words are snarl and detest. We will have a comprehension quiz and vocabulary check on Friday. We will continue working on complete sentences and what a sentence needs, like capitalization and punctuation. We will have a daily grammar review. We will have a weekly grammar check on Friday. Math We will continue place value again this week along with our daily math practice. We will have a daily math practice quiz on Friday. Sight Words Spelling He, was, for, on, and are Sight word test over 5 weekly words on Friday. hot, mom, hog, pot, mop, log We will have some spelling homework this week. Please remember to check your child’s folder. Test on Friday. Graphics ©KinderAlphabet