Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night
Grading Scale 90-100= A 89-80= B 79-70= C 69-60= D 59-0=F Quarterly grades are an average of all work completed for the quarter. Formal grades are weighted 60% and informal grades are weighted 40%.
Social Studies Social studies will be embedded into our literacy block. -Culture -Citizenship and Government -Geography -History
Balanced Literacy Balanced Literacy includes: Whole Group Lessons Word Work Writing Independent Reading Guided Reading
Word Work (vocabulary and spelling) During word work students practice their differentiated spelling words Flocabulary will be our vocabulary program this year. Students have access to their accounts at home to study. They can log in using their Google account. Flocabulary.com Click “Log In” Choose “Log in with Google” Vocabulary and Spelling will alternate weeks throughout the year. Quizzes will be given on Fridays (of whole weeks).
Independent Reading Students spend the bulk of this time reading “Just Right Books”. Students will conference with me as needed to focus on specific skills. Students will practice writing reviews and responding to higher level thinking questions about their independent books.
Writer’s Workshop Most of this time will be spent on teaching the writing process. We will focus on personal narratives, persuasive writing, opinion writing, and nonfiction writing throughout the year. Grammar and handwriting will also be incorporated.
Guided Reading Students will work in leveled small groups (based on their current data points—reading level, MAP score, and BOG score) to read and respond to instructional level texts.
Literacy Homework Students are expected to read for thirty minutes each night. Reading needs to be logged in the student agenda. This is the student’s responsibility and not the parent’s. A parent signature is not required.
Reading Challenge Students may choose to participate in the quarterly reading challenge. At the end of the first quarter, students may fill out one book report over a chapter book that they read at home. For quarters two through four, students will be expected to fill out two books reports per quarter (one fiction, one nonfiction). Again, the reading challenge is optional and will not affect your child’s grade.
Check out my website! msheslop.weebly.com
What is Read to Achieve?