Assignment Guidelines The College Speech Assignment Guidelines 1
Step 1 – The College Select a college you find interesting and that your audience may be interested in learning more about. State Schools: Michigan State University, University of California, at Los Angeles, The Ohio State University Private School: Notre Dame, Harvard, Reed, Lewis and Clark 2
Step 2 – Find your Information The three most interesting facts about your college of choice.
Step 2 – Find your Information Location Where is your college located? State City
Step 2 – Find your Information Admission What are the requirements for admission? GPA SAT Important high school courses 2 facts
Step 2 – Find your Information Expense College can be expensive. Give us the estimated of each of the following: Tuition and Fees Room and Board (living expense) Books Travel to/from Alaska
Step 2 – Find your Information Works Cited Slide List the sources you used for your information gathering. Title of website URL
Step 3 – Create a Visual Aid You will use your PowerPoint or Prezi to guide your speech. I can help if you need assistance with the technology. A completed PowerPoint
Step – 4 Rehearse For this speech, you will have limited time to rehearse in front of your peers. Use your time wisely. Rehearse with your visual aid. Use US Dollars! Convert the currency. 9
Step 5 – Delivery Deliver your speech!