SUBSTITUTION 7th Grade/Unit 1 Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION Topic Question: What were the major turning points of the American Revolution and how are they significant to the United States’ Independence? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will watch this 22:38 minute video on Discovery Education : History Kids: Major Events of the Revolutionary War (time 22:38) Steps: Click on the link below to watch a video on Discovery Education History Kids: Major Events of the Revolutionary War (time 22:38) 2. While watching the video, collect evidence that identifies the event (who, when, where, why) and its significance. Please note there will be multiple events. 3. Be ready to share your evidence in a whole group discussion Featured Source: DiscoveryEdu. Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, Desktop, or iPad with internet access Turning point Significance Battles: (Who, When, Where, Why) The Battle Saratoga The Battles of Trenton and Princeton Battle of Yorktown Document Declaration of Independence Explain the significance impact or contributions as a result of these events. Teacher Name: Tracy Domingue School: W.W. Lewis Middle School Email Address: Special Considerations: Students will need to copy and paste all web addresses into Google chrome if your browser is set in Explorer. If that does not work you will need to log into your Discovery EDU account type the title into the search browser History Kids: Major Events of the Revolutionary War and show it over the projector. Assessment:
AUGMENTATION 7th Grade/Unit1 Formative Performance Task 2 Topic: What were the major turning points of the American Revolution and how are they significant to the United States’ Independence? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will.. test your knowledge of terms and turning points of the American Revolution by playing Jeopardy. It’s a game show that will test what you know. Steps: Click on the link below to begin your game Jeopardy What were the major turning points of the American Revolution and how are they significant to the United States’ independence? Jeopardy Game Show Review Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, Desktop, or iPad with internet access Featured Source: Teacher Name: Tracy Domingue School: W.W. Lewis Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: This may be used last as a review. Assessment:
MODIFICATION 7th Grade/Unit1 Summative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION Topic: Question: What were the major turning points of the American Revolution and how are they significant to the United States’ Independence? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will…use the Shadow Puppet App, to create a video about a major turning point of the American Revolution and its significance. Steps: Teacher will divide students in groups of 4. Teacher will number each student 1-2-3-4 Teacher will assign a turning point listed below. Turning point Battles and Document: The Battle Saratoga The Battles of Trenton and Princeton Battle of Yorktown Declaration of Independence Students 1 and 2 will research topic using the teacher selected textbook and use notes taken from the Discovery Edu. video to create a script answering the 5 W’s :who what when where why Students 3 and 4 will research the topic using the teacher selected textbook and use notes taken from the Discovery Edu. video to create a script explaining its significance to the American Revolution. Use the Shadow Puppet App Student 1 and 2 will use their script and create a picture video using the Shadow Puppet App. Student 3 and 4 will use their script and create a picture video using the Shadow Puppet App. Up load the video in SeeSaw. Featured Source: Shadow Puppet App SeeSaw App Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, Desktop, or iPad with internet access Teacher Name: Tracy Domingue School: W.W. Lewis Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Teacher needs to download in the App Store: Shadow Puppet and SeeSaw. Also copy and paste all web addresses into Google chrome if your browser is set in Explorer. Discovery EDU. Video is located on the Substitution slide #1 Assessment: Formative must answer all the W’s: who, what, when, where, why in their script.
Video Rubric
REDEFINITION 7thGrade/Unit1 Summative Performance Task 1 REDEFINITION Topic: What were the major turning points of the American Revolution and how are they significant to the United States’ Independence? Description of Summative Performance Task:. You will…. choose 3 videos previously loaded by your classmates from ShadowPuppet to SeeSaw. While watching the 3 videos, collect evidence and be able to defend which turning point in your opinion was the most significant. You must support your opinion with factual evidence. Steps: Log into the SeeSaw app by scanning the teacher provided QR code. Choose 3 videos . (You cannot choose your group’s video.) While watching the 3 videos collect evidence and be able to defend which turning point in your opinion was the most significant. You must support you answer using factual evidence. In the comment box, located at the bottom of the video, type your response under the video you have selected as the best turning point. Featured Source: SeeSaw App Shadow Puppet App Featured Tech Tools: Laptop, Desktop, or iPad with internet access Teacher Name: Tracy Domingue School: W.W. Lewis Middle Email Address: Special Considerations: Teacher must download the SeeSaw app and create a classroom roster for each class. You will also need to print a different QR code per hour or give them a long in code. Please note the log in code (not the QR code) charges per hour and changes daily. Assessment: Formative (There response must be backed up using factual evidence )
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher: Tracy Domingue Louisiana Social Studies Standard (include description): 7.2.2 Analyze important turning points and major developments of the American Revolution Question from “Content and Claims” What were the major turning points of the American Revolution and how are they significant to the United States’ Independence? e : Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will…. choose 3 videos previously loaded by your classmates from ShadowPuppet. While watching the 3 videos collect evidence and be able to defend which turning point in your opinion was the most significant. You must support your opinion with factual evidence Insert the featured source that is being used. Shadow Puppet App Seesaw App Laptop, Desktop, or iPad with internet access You will…use the Shadow Puppet App, to create a video about a major turning point of the American Revolution and its significance. You will.. test your knowledge of terms and turning points of the American Revolution by playing Jeopardy. It’s a game show that will test what you know. Jeopardy Game Show You will…watch this 22:38 minute video on Discovery Education : History Kids: Major Events of the Revolutionary War (time 22:38) Discovery Education REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.