Part 7 Q31 to Q35 of National 5 Prelim Revision Part 7 Q31 to Q35 of National 5 Prelim
Revision Part 7 31 Give an example for each type of testing when entering the length and height of the rectangle. The length and height must be between 0 and 10. 3 32 Describe what you can do to put a database table in order. 2 33 Explain how a primary key is used in a database table. 1 34 Explain how a foreign key is used in a database table. 35 State the full name and describe the 4 laws used in computing. 4
Revision Part 7 31. Give an example for each type of testing when entering the length and height of the rectangle. The length and height must be between 1 and 10. (3) Normal = 2,7 Extreme = 1, 10 Exceptional = -15, 15
Revision Part 7 32. Describe what you can do to put a database table in order. (2) You can SORT the data base on one or more fields. You can sort ASCENDING (A-Z, 0-9) or DESCENDING (Z-A, 9-0).
Revision Part 7 33. Explain how a primary key is used in a database table. (1) A PRIMARY key is used to uniquely identify a single record in a table. For example: Bank Account Number.
Revision Part 7 34. Explain how a foreign key is used in a database table. (1) A foreign key is used when linking tables in a relational database. A foreign key is a primary key featured in another table (however it will probably not be unique in that linked table).
Revision Part 7 35. State the full name and describe the 4 laws used in computing. (4) Data Protection Act = You have right to see your data and have it protected. The company must protect your data. Copyright, design and patent Act = It is illegal to copy any digital media without permission. Computer Misuse Act = Using a computer to cause damage through viruses or other malicious software. Communications Act = Do not cyber bully, spread false information, clone digital devices or stop others from receiving electronic communications.