Getting the price right How do you know when your ASKING PRICE is about right? The 3 Outcomes: No inspections and no offers – generally your property is 10% or more over the ‘market value’. Multiple inspections and no offers – generally your property is 5–10% over the ‘market value’. Multiple inspections and multiple offers – your property is priced correctly. Each scenario has something to tell us.
Pick a Time or Pick a Price As an example, if your house market value is $560,000 and your were to put it on the market for: $530,000 sale might take 24 hours $550,000 sale might take 24 days $580,000 sale might take 24 weeks $650,000 sale might take 2-5 years Start where YOU are comfortable Set a starting price high enough to protect the property’s value but still appealing enough to attract the best buyers. Getting the price guide right in the first week is crucial as this will mean your house will be on the market for a shorter time but you will achieve on or above market value.
Million Dollar SMS Templates
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname}, Just touching base. 3 enquires today & no other news. will keep on it for you {ownername} Hi {rstname} just touching base, no enquires today, will keep on it {ownername} & Team Hi {rstname} some interest on your property today, possible inspection in the next few days. will let you know if we need an inspection {ownername} Hi {rstname} 1 email enquiry today from I have responded & will let you know if we need an inspection {ownername} & Team
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname} 1 phone call today from, I have responded and will let u know if wer need to get buyer thru. {ownername} & Team Hi {rstname} Outstanding result, 4 homes sold this week. the market is on the move. hope we sell yours next. talk soon {ownername} Hi {rstname} 3 weeks has passed. would love to catch up. can you call me 2moro, between 9. & 11am re sales focus meeting. Talk soon {ownername} Hi {rstname} your property has been on the market for 7 weeks, market is good. will call you very soon re sales progress meeting. {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname} the forcast is for a clear weekend, hopefully the buyers are thick & fast. Have a great weekend {ownername} & Team Hi {rstname} letting you know I will be away for about a week, so if you need anything please call the oce {ownername} Hi {rstname} just a quick SMS to say thank you for re listing with us. We will do everything we can to get you sold. {ownername} Hi {rstname} it’s a great week with some brand new listings hitting the market. there are a few I think you may like. give me a call {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates {rstname}, (insert address) has just been reduced. new price is xxxk. the owner has told us 2 sell! we will be presenting all oers at 6.30 tonight {ownername} Hi {rstname} Just to let you know the auction for XXX is 2moro, so if it’s not booked in your diary, book it in now! good luck & happy bidding! Hi {rstname}, just thought I’d let you know that your property is now in our window & is also on the net. check it out at Hi {rstname} Just letting u know I’m in the oce for the next hour so if you need to get in contact with me I’m around, Speak soon. {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname}, Great Result! we just sold ABC Street Suburb just round the corner from ur property for XXXK & it sold in XX days {ownername} Hi {rstname}, Just to let u know I am sending u out the newest sales report for SUBURB as it has the latest sales history. Regards {ownername} Hi {rstname}, wanted u to know that ABC Street Suburb has just sold for xxxK & it sold in XX days, The market is moving, {ownername} Hi {rstname} Letting u know the market is heating up! we are seeing great buyer demand 4 property again. if I can help, let me know, {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname} After seeing your prpperty 2day the team will be having a meeting 2 see how we can maximize your result. Will let u know our findings {ownername} Hi {rstname} Just thought you should know I have notied over 100 buyers about ur property. will let you know what response {ownername} Hi {rstname} Just thought I’d say the team thought your property looked great today & they can’t wait to sell it! {ownername} & Team Hi {rstname} ,Just letting u know I’m going to bed early 2night because I want to be ready for a big selling day 2morrow. heaven help those buyers ! {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname} Just 2 let u know the auction for Street , Suburb is 2morrow at TIME & LOACTION, it may make it as Sydney’s cheapest buy! c u there {ownername} Hi {rstname}, It was great to talk to you today, be assured I will do my best to help you nd the perfect property... Have a great day! {ownername} Hi {rstname} Thanks 4 giving us a shot at helping u sell. if u ever want 2 try to try again we will be more then happy 2 help. {ownername} Hi {rstname} Just wanted to get your feed back 2 see when u wanted 2 take me up on my oer to nd out what your house is worth in 2day’s market {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname} Good meeting with you today, looking fwd to helping you again soon. if you need anything just let me know. {ownername} & Team Hi {rstname} It was great meeting with you today look forward to helping you with your real estate needs. {ownername} & Team. Hi {rstname} Our Address is 287 Beames Ave Mount Druitt Near the train station. {ownername} Hi {rstname}, Just letting you know we did an open on your property today. will give you feedback early next week {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname} Just a quick up date to let you know I am 30 minutes away from our appointment today & looking forward to meeting with you then. {ownername} Hi {rstname}, It was great meeting with you today. thanks for the opportunity to be of service. {ownername} Hi {rstname}, Great meeting with you today, & just letting you know we will be presenting all offers on (PPTY SUBURB) tonight at 6.30 PM. speak soon. Hi {rstname}, HOT new listing! (description street & suburb) it will be listed 4 (price) interested? {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname} just touching base to let you know I think I have found a property that may suite. I will keep you posted. {ownername} & Team Hi {rstname}, Just to let you know we have changed the price on the property in the window display & on the net. will keep you posted {ownername} Hi {rstname} ,We have emailed our data base of buyers with the new price. no response yet but will keep you posted {ownername} Hi {rstname} ,a quick note to inform you of results & action that this week. SALES X , LISTINGS X & MARKET REVIEWS X Regards {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates We have had a huge increase in demand in 4 investment houses if ur considering selling, I have 14 investors wanting 2 purchase ASAP Interested? {ownername} Hi {rstname},The Spring Real Estate Market is NOW in Full Swing, we have more buyers than properties. if ur interested in selling give us a call {ownername} Hi {rstname}, A new year brings a new wave of buyers. if u have re accessed ur situation over the holidays now is the time 2 take advantage of the fresh market HI {rstname}, Wishing you & your family all the best in (year), I hope this your 1 is even better than the last & filled with happiness, {ownername}
Million Dollar SMS Templates Hi {rstname}, As we start the new year we have had a HUGE amount of buyer Enquiry. If u want to know what your property is worth in year contact me, {ownername}