condenar al ostracismo


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Presentation transcript:

condenar al ostracismo ostracize: verb Definition: to leave someone out Origin: 1640-50; < Greek ostrakízein, equivalent to óstrak (on) potsherd, tile, ballot (akin to óstreion oyster, shell) + -izein -ize Spanish: condenar al ostracismo

ostracize pronunciation: os-truh-sahyz

ostracize synonyms: antonyms: shun reject include accept welcome exclude shun reject antonyms: include accept welcome

ostracize Related Forms: ostracizer - noun ostracized - verb ostracizing - verb

ostracize Sierra will ostracize anyone she doesn’t want in her “mean girls group.” In Ancient Athens, politicians could be ostracized from the council and the city for ten years. Chris was ostracized from the team after showing poor sportsmanship.