Audience Interaction Why I’m using Twitter and Facebook
Live Tweeting Live Tweeting is crucial for many sports journalists because it allows them to keep updating their followers 24/7 on the game they’re reporting.
Twitter Polls Twitter Polls are a great way for sites on Twitter to receive the opinions of their followers on certain issues and topics. Many football sites on Twitter use polls because they can produce polls on line-ups, comparing players or transfers.
Different Content On Facebook and Twitter, you are able to post different types of content to keep your target audience informed but also entertained. Instead of just a sentence and a link to the pages main website, you can now post videos and images to alternate.
Use of the Hashtag On Twitter, using the # is a great way for people with the same interests to share conversations with one another regarding the particular #.
Getting my work around On Facebook and Twitter it’s very easy for your work to be shared. On Twitter, retweeting someone’s content will mean all their followers will be able to access it, meaning more views. On Facebook, sharing someone’s work will also mean more people will also see that person’s content. For a new sports journalist this is vital as it promotes their work. 6