China 中國 SS7CG7 The student will demonstrate an understanding of national governments in Southern and Eastern Asia. SS7E8 The student will analyze different economic systems. SS7E10 The student will describe factors that influence economic growth and examine their presence or absence in India, China, and Japan. SS7H3 The student will analyze continuity and change in Southern and Eastern Asia leading to the 21st century. d. Describe the impact of Communism in China in terms of Mao Zedong, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and Tiananmen Square.
What do you already know? Quick Write. Write down what you know about China until I tell you to stop. Do not pick up your pen/pencil until the timer goes off… Write the whole time
Nationalists v. Communists 1911-1912 A new government had taken over called the Chinese Nationalist Party. Chiang Kai-shek Nationalist Party Opposed by Communist Party. Mao Zedong Nationalists v. Communists
Nationalists v. Communists VS. Chiang Kai- shek Mao Zedong
Nationalists v. Communists Communists opposed Chiang Kai- shek Civil War broke out in China However during WWII both groups fought the Japanese
Under Nationalist Rule China was failing to provide for the Chinese workers and peasants were living in poverty. Peasants became supporters of the Communist party In 1949 the Communists led by Mao Zedong defeated the Nationalists Nationalist retreated to Taiwan. Created the Republic of China. Ruled through Martial Law
Rise of Communism On October 1, 1949, Mao Zedong declared the Communist State of China. The People’s Republic of China Government is now in control of businesses and farms. All decisions are made through the government. Command Economy Distribution of Power – Unitary Citizens Role – Autocratic Ultimate goal of Communism… Create a classless society
Great Leap Forward 1958-1961 The commune is like a gigantic dragon, production is noticeable awe-inspiring
Great Leap Forward Looking at the chart below, what does the blue line represent? What does the red line represent? In what year(s) do the two lines cross? What happened in China this year? Using this chart What can you assume was the cause for the increased death rate
Great Leap Forward Started in 1958 Create Farming Communes Intended to speed up China’s economy Create Farming Communes About 25,000 citizens lived on a farm All grow crops, run industries, educated their children and have health care… Government owned land Government controlled their economy, social schedules and work schedules.
Great Leap Forward Became known as a huge disaster within one year. Droughts and floods damaged food supply Communes failed to provide enough quality industry and food Result… 20 Million people died from 1958-1960 One of the largest famines in history People’s confidence in Mao Zedong declined
Cultural Revolution 1966-1976 Hold high the great red banner of Mao Zedong to wage the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to the end - Revolution is no crime, to rebel is justified
Cultural Revolution Look at the picture to the right.. - Using your knowledge of the Cultural Revolution and Ji- Li’s personal encounter what do you think is happening?
Cultural Revolution Communist Government was calling for reforms to prevent other disasters Counterrevolutionaries worried Mao. Feared the country would be overthrown by capitalist 1966 Mao began the Cultural Revolution GOAL : Stop all opposition to the Communist Party
Cultural Revolution Schools were shut down Students were recruited to become Red Guards Attacked and punished those opposed to communism Factories were shut down Economy became weak Healthcare and Transportation were denied to the Chinese People
Cultural Revolution Result Only created more distrust of the Communist Government Mao Zedong is responsible for the worst genocide in the 20th Century (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 49-78,000,000 people Killed under his direction
Change of Power Mao Died in 1976 Deng Xiaoping Cultural Revolution Ended Deng Xiaoping Reformed Mao’s ideas, but stuck to Communist Values
Tiananmen Square
Tiananmen Square April 1989 Protestors Filled Tiananmen Square for seven weeks. Practicing their right of free speech Speaking out against communism and wanting democracy Other protests were inspired by this event Protestors were warned to stop, but when they didn’t the government sent tanks to the square and opened fire. Disapproval across the world led China to improve and support human rights of its citizens.
If you were to Google “Tiananmen Tank” in China….. If you were to Google “Tiananmen Tank” in USA…..
China Today China’s Government is still ruled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Citizens 18+ are allowed to vote, but only for those who represent the CCP. President is government appointed Cabinet holds executive power. Leaders chosen by the National People’s Congress (legislature). CCP determines candidates CCP candidates usually elected by Congress
China Today “Socialist market economy” Transitioning from Command to Mixed Market Market overseen by Government China is slowly lifting government control and making foreign investments China has made large investments in Human Capital to improve education system. Increasing education enrollment China has made capital investments to increase GDP. Manufacturing (1/2 GDP) Dependable water services, electricity, and transportation.