Literature Circle Journal What page have you read to in your book? Are you liking the book? Explain. What do you think may be one of the major themes in your book so far? Remember a theme is message about life, society or human nature It is NOT one word, it is a statement. Write down one thing you would like to discuss with your group today from your reading from last night
You Become the Teacher!! Teach the class about TWO important aspects of your book You MUST come up with some kind of fun/interesting activity to keep the class awake and interested! Make your fellow classmates work! You can make them write, read a passage, or anything else! If you need me to run off copies of anything for you please give me this to me by the end of class on Monday (this is not required). You may use the technology available in the classroom. Your goal: every person in the class understands the two aspects of your book Every group member must participate in the teaching Split up your planning and your presentation Monday I will give you a RUBRIC Each group will have 15 minutes of teaching time. Lessons will begin next week on Tuesday & Thursday. You will have TODAY and MONDAY to work on your lessons. If you think you need more time, you may need to meet outside of class.
Some important aspects (things that English teachers are always making you discuss): Themes: what are the books major messages about life, human nature or society, how do you know this? Character(s): who is the main character (protagonist)? Is there an antagonist? What do you know about the character(s) personality traits so far? How do you know this? Setting: How does the setting influence the characters and conflict, and even theme in the book? Symbols/Motifs: Any symbolic elements in the book (stands for something beyond what it is) or reoccurring elements that might connect back to a major theme (motif) Point of View: how does the POV it is told in affect the plot? How does it affect your understanding of the plot? Unreliable narrator? Conflicts: What are some of the major conflict in the plot? Classify them. How do these conflicts affect the characters? What do the conflicts tell us about our characters? Look at how characters respond to certain conflicts.