Saints Damien & Marianne of Moloka’i


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Presentation transcript:

Saints Damien & Marianne of Moloka’i Catholic Military Community Hawaii   Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 23 September 2018 Community Contact Information Catholic Priests: Father Joe Fleury: Father Jason Dechenne: Father Sebastian Chacko: Hawaii Integrated Religious Support Team: 1-808-655-1444 Catholic Community Website: Catholic Pastoral Life Coordinator: Tracey Harger: Chapel Coordinators: AMR -Tracey Harger: MPC - Michelle Harris: Religious Education: DRE: Lauren Brown: AMR REC – Ritchie Mediano: MPC REC - Ute Eble: Catholic Women of the Chapel: Kari Dechenne: AMR – Danen Hammond: MPC– Jessica Campoverde: Knights Of Columbus: AMR- Gary MPC- Antonio Morales- Pacific House of Mission (Youth Ministry): AMR Jeff Reid: MPC Kaylyn Reynolds: Sacramental records: To request records please contact the AMS at “God has called us through the Gospel to possess the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Find us on Facebook: Saints Damien and Marianne of Moloka’i AMR Catholic Community Schofield Barracks Catholic Community - Main Post Chapel Sts. Damien & Marianne of Moloka’i CWOC AMR Hawaii Schofield Barracks CWOC

Community Announcements Sacraments Sunday Mass: 0830 at Aliamanu Military Reservation Chapel (AMR) 1100 at Main Post Chapel, Schofield Barracks (MPC) Daily Mass: Monday and Wednesday at 1200 at Soldier’s Chapel Tuesdays at 1700 at AMR Thursdays at 0900 at AMR There will be no Daily Mass 8 October and in between 23 Oct – 8 Nov except 1 Nov) Reconciliation: Reconciliation will be available at Soldier’s Chapel at 1230 on Wednesdays or at AMR on Thursdays at 0930 weekly. You can also make an appointment, please contact Fathers Joe, Jason or Sebastian via email which is provided on the back of this bulletin. There will be no Reconciliation on Sunday’s by the presiding priest because they are spiritually preparing for Mass and often have to go to celebrate Mass at both chapel communities. Marriage: Please contact one of our priests at least six months prior to anticipated date of wedding. Mandatory Pre-Cana classes are required. Baptism: Bi-monthly celebrations. Preparation class required. Please RSVP for class. Next AMR Baptism Class: 9 October at 1800 Next AMR Baptism: 7 October during Mass Next MPC Baptism Class: 23 October at 1830, Room 15B Next MPC Baptism: 21 October at 1200 Community Announcements You are now able to register as a member of our community via our website at . If you have not done so already, please do. This will enable us to send information out to you as we develop our site including bulletins, Holy Day of Obligation reminders, and any changes to scheduled programs. Thank you to those that support our Holy Mass through ministry support. The sign up for each chapel community is on our website. If you need assistance finding it, please email your chapel coordinator and she will email you the link. Childcare is available at MPC during Religious Education and Mass for children 3 years and under. If space is available, 4 year old's are welcome as well. Thank you for the generous offerings that make his available to our community. When there are providers available at AMR, watch care will be available as well. Children’s Rosary is prayed weekly at Soldiers Chapel on Thursdays at 1545. We are back in session!! AMR CWOC meets on Thursdays from 9:00-11:30 at AMR Chapel Center for Mass, brunch, fellowship and faith formation open to all women. An evening study meets from 1900-2030 in the activity room every other Thursday open to all women. We are one unified group doing the same studies and activities. Childcare will be provided for the morning session by our PWOC sisters and we in turn provide childcare for their meetings.  The MPC CWOC meets on Wednesday mornings from 0930-1100 for fellowship and the opportunity to grow in faith together. We meet at MPC Activity Room D9. Childcare is provided and we are grateful for it! AMR Men’s Bible Study will meet on 6 October in the activity room. All men are welcome! Pacific House of Mission is looking for volunteers to help support our Youth program. If you love Jesus and love teens, we would love to work with you. For more information related to volunteering or connecting your student with Pacific Club please contact Kaylyn Reynolds at MPC or Jeff Reid at AMR. Next Life Teen will be 6 October and 27 October at Hickam Chapel. Then meetings will be every 1st and 3rd Saturday at 1815 after the Saturday Mass. Registration is free! Please email Patrick Pottinger with any questions at Diocesan Youth Day is 27 October at St. Ann Parish in Kaneohe, Oahu. This year’s theme is Chosen. Fearless. Sent. All high school youth are invited and registration will be paid for by our parish funds if your child would like to go and is a member of our Catholic Community. Please email Tracey Harger if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity by 12 October. Last week’s attendance and offering count AMR 161/726.55 MPC 348/776.23 Religious Education Religious Education for this school year will run through 19 May 2019. Classes are held weekly from 0945-1045 with various holidays and long weekends off. Any adult interested in learning more about the faith is welcome to join the Parent Faith Formation class once a month on Sunday at 9.45 a.m. The dates are: 10/21, 11/04, 12/02, 01/06, 02/03, 03/03, 04/14,  and 05/05. Our program is "The Mass" by Word on Fire/Bishop Barron.  For questions about the Religious Education program in your community, please contact Ute Eble at Scofield Barracks or Ritchie Mediano at AMR. Their emails are on the back of the bulletin. Family Night will be held on Tuesdays starting with Mass at 1700 at AMR. Family Night will be held on Wednesdays at 1800 at MPC. Family Night programs will include religious education curriculum and methods that will allow your family to explore and practice your faith together in a joyful way, as a family. If you have questions or if you are interested in helping organize this or supporting one of the stations, please contact Ute at MPC or Ritchie at AMR.