Wastewater Risk Abatement Planning Presented by: S Makate Water Services Regulation WWRAP Rand Water Date: 21 Feb 2018 PRESENTATION TITLE Presented by: Name Surname Directorate Date
Most human activities carry at least some degree of risk, and depending on our skill and experience we might find some risks handleable and others not! The more we know about the risk the better we are able to deal with it.
What is a WWRAP There are many risk-based applications and multi-barrier approaches in world W2RAP is however the 1st of its kind globally, SA’s own initiative Direct link between: The WWRAP, identifies and manage risks in the collection, treatment system and receiving environment. Where ‘wastewater’ is one of the key risks on drinking water side The W2RAP shows the link to the Blue- and Green Drop regulatory programmes in South Africa. Therefore, it closes the gap between drinking water assurance and wastewater quality - BOTH critical elements of SA water security
Why SA needs a WWRAP Wastewater collection & treatment systems operate 24 hours, 7 days, 365 days of the year. Limited control over the quantity and quality of the raw wastewater. These municipal assets operate in aggressive and corrosive environments, with aging infrastructure. The W2RAP process is to document risks and to establish control measures to mitigate/manage any operation or situation which will cause harm to public and environmental health. To mitigate potential risks = W2RAP as primary risk management tool W2RAP encompasses all steps in the wastewater value chain: production of sewage transport and treatment discharge or reuse of final effluent or sludge.
963 treatment facilities in SA. Why SA needs a WWRAP 963 treatment facilities in SA. Designed to convey and treat 6,509,000 kl wastewater /day and 357,500 kl of sludge per day Actual flow to WWTW is 5128,8 Ml/day, leaving a spare capacity of 1 380,9 Ml/day. GDPAT 2014 revealed R 3.2 billion spent on capital projects. Further growth: expanding population, housing, industrial activity, and upgrade of infrastructure surpassing its 20 year life cycle Technology development for wastewater and its by-products for its potential commercial value.
Risk Based Regulation Improving Quality of Water Services through Risk Management Implementation Public Health Risk Environmental Risk Financial Risk Water Safety Planning Wastewater Risk Abatement Planning (W2RAP) Asset Management + Cost Reflective Tariff Management
risk Green Drop Criteria GD# Description Weighted Scores (%) 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 1 Wastewater Risk Abatement Planning 20 25 30 2 Technical Skills 10 5 3 Operation, Maintenance, Monitoring 4 Effluent Compliance 35 Solids/Sludge Handling 6 Management Accountability & Local Regulation 7 Asset Management 15 Bonus 17%max Penalty Qualifiers YES TOTAL 100 risk
Criteria for Risk Based Regulation CRR # RISK INDICATOR DESCRIPTION and UNIT VALUE A DESIGN CAPACITY If NI, then calculate or estimate (Class, flow, etc) Hydraulic Design Capacity [Ml/day] 5 B OPERATIONAL FLOW If ADWF = 0 [NI] and/or Design Capacity = 0 [NI], then CELL H114 = 151% (max weight) ADWF / Hydraulic Design Capacity (Ml/day) x 100 [%] 4 C EFFLUENT FAILURE [No monitoring or no info; Waived NMR = as per Authorisation] % Microbiological compliance % E.coli OR Faecal Coliform 100% 100% % Physical compliance % pH 93.33% % Electrical Conductivity 90% % Suspended Solids 90% % Chemical compliance % COD % Ammonia % Nitrates % Orthophosphate Overall Compliance 93% D TECHNICAL SKILLS [Compliance with R2834] Supervisor + Process Controllers + Maintenance (1) 2 Supervisor + Maintenance & No Process Control (2) Process Control + Maintenance & No Supervisor (2) Process Control + Supervisor & No Maintenance (2) Supervisor & No Maintenance & No PC's (3) Process Controllers & No Maintenance & No Sup (3) Maintenance & No PC's & No Supervisor (3) No Supervisor & No Maintenance & No PCs (4) Spec WF (1-4) 12 (CRR) 13 MaxCRR 17
IMPLEMENTATION OF W2RAP 1.1 W2RAP PLANNING PROCESS a) W2RAP team b) Authorisation: 3x senior management: Technical Dir; MM; CFO; MMC 1.2 RISK ASSESSMENT Catchment, collection, and treatment Process Flow Diagram, risks per process unit Findings of Risk Assessment and Risk Prioritisation Quantitative assessment of control measures to prove efficacy For each hazardous event: Corrective Measures, responsible persons, timelines, budget Links to the IMP, Root Causes Monitoring methodologies 1.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF W2RAP Implementation of corrective measures Risk-based performance on a year-to-year basis. 1.4 INCIDENT MANAGEMENT IMP: Alert levels, Response times, Required actions, Site specific contact persons, responsibilities and contact details, Communication methods Risks in W2RAP reflect in Protocol with Alert Levels Incident Register SOP - response actions to specific incidents Management oversight and action taken
Risk as a metric allows the Regulator to regulate in domains that represent the highest risk to non-compliance of norms and standards allows the WSI to identify and prioritise the critical risk areas within its wastewater system and to take corrective measures to abate them. It must be noted: The Regulator will no longer ask only ‘show us the plan’, but will ask ‘ show us how the implementation of the plan succeeded in addressing the health-based and environmental targets’
Use a Risk Abatement Planning Process to facilitate risk- based decision making and ensure that corrective measures and resources prioritised to address high risk areas first; KPA-5
Full coverage of wastewater value chain, i. e Full coverage of wastewater value chain, i.e. Wastewater Balance - all wastewater generated at source be delivered via the networks and pumpstations to the treatment plant, and receiving environment as effluent and sludge. Gravity flow Losses reported in the Incident Management Register and rectified via the IMP Q1 = 1000 kl wastewater generated Q2 = 1000 kl wastewater reticulated Q3 = 1000 kl wastewater treated Q4 = 50 kl sludge +, 950 kl effluent discharged
Minimum Requirements for the W2RAP: The process must be steered by a multi-disciplinary team of knowledgeable people which represent all role-players; The W2RAP process should be focussed on a specific system and must not be generic; The system must be well understood and documented. Detailed process flow diagrams and system descriptions must be included; The capability of the system to achieve required standards or outputs must be documented; Identification of the hazards and hazardous events that could affect the catchment, collection, treatment and consumers, and an assessment of risk; Identification of existing controls and validation of the effectiveness of the controls; Identification and prioritisation of insufficiently controlled risks; Development of an improvement plan for each HIGH priority risk;
continue… Operational monitoring of control measures; Compliance monitoring and auditing of operational activities to verify the effectiveness of the W2RAP; Management procedures for normal and incident/emergency conditions; Identification of Critical Control Points; Identification of support programmes to develop people’s skills and knowledge, commitment to the W2RAP approach, and capacity to manage systems to deliver all wastewater to the treatment plant, to ensure compliant effluent release to the water resource; A planned review schedule for the W2RAP process to ensure that it is up to date and continues to be appropriate to the needs of the wastewater system and stakeholders. Report signed by designated managers in the WSI, which signage the approval of the risk ratings as well as commitment to the allocation of resources and budget.
AUDIT, REVIEW, ADJUST AND APPROVE RISK ASSESSMENT RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ASSESSMENT Conduct hazard assessment and risk characterisation. Rate and prioritise risks Define operational limits and optimise systems Establish incident response, preventative and corrective actions Establish monitoring and reporting system and management procedures to verify that W2RAP is working effectively and meeting targets Assess existing / new systems, compile PFDs Implement W2RAP as integrated part of operational and management systems Assemble the team to prepare the W2RAP Document and describe each system AUDIT, REVIEW, ADJUST AND APPROVE
Document and describe each system Catchment Maps and catchment layout plans Water quality objectives of the receiving resource Restrictions on effluent quality limits within the catchment Upstream and downstream activities Collection and reticulation Gravity and pump systems Age, capacity and condition of main collectors and pumping mains Industrial / domestic sources Infiltration of potable water or ground water to sewer network Ingress of stormwater to sewer network Treatment facility Capacity and plant classification Age, upgrade history Technology, process units Sludge management Authorisation and legal requirements Plans to upgrade, short and long term Facilities to become redundant Buildings, structures, landscaping, fences
Assess existing / new systems, compile PFDs (…use Process Audits, Sewer Inspection]
Implement W2RAP as integrated part of operational & management systems AUDIT, REVIEW, ADJUST AND APPROVE The risk assessment should be conducted: at a frequency that ensures that all spatial and temporal risks are apparent (minimum annually). change in raw sewage or infrastructure which may affect meeting the effluent standard or sludge quality; after significant failure of any component process in the Wastewater value chain; a new treatment system is put into service; a refurbished treatment system is re-commissioned; a new network or pumping system is put into service; a drainage zone is altered.
The W2RAP process is NOT: A document only… it is a comprehensive wastewater management approach and culture based on risk management principles; A new concept… it is a structured approach amalgamating best practices from various scientific and technical origin; A desktop assessment of the wastewater business includes physical inspection and implementation of agreed activities to improve the quality of effluent, the safety of the sludge handling A checklist exercise against a suite of generic risks it involves a physical inspection of the sewer network, pumpstations, treatment plant, laboratory and receiving environment; which then leads to risk identification, rating and planning by a team comprising a range of competencies.
Thank you