2018 UGA OFT Cotton Varieties (14) Data will be presented at local UGA County Cotton Extension Meetings Available at UGA Cotton Webpage www.ugacotton.com UGA OVT Trial Data Also can be found on UGA Cotton Webpage HOW MANY VARIETIES CAN WE DO? ANY IDEAS OR COMMENTS?
2018 UGA OFT Data (Preliminary) All Locations* Rnk VARIETY WILCX. TURN. MIDV. IRR BERIN. PULA. COOK MIDVILLE DRY COLQ. PRYMN TAYLOR COLQ. LATE JEFF DAVIS COLQ. DAVIS ATHNS. WASH. AVG 1 DP 1646 B2XF 526 737 647 768 781 933 844 1043 985 1106 1037 1322 1382 1489 971 2 DP 1538 B2XF 565 802 755 760 709 888 803 1058 1025 1119 1074 1358 1252 1385 968 3 NG 5711 B3XF 566 823 927 759 808 897 817 954 991 914 1141 1243 1297 1336 962 4 ST 5471 GLTP 556 722 720 938 714 958 899 866 996 986 1035 1371 1238 1460 961 5 PHY 430 W3FE 518 819 790 880 1023 837 904 921 1108 1318 1424 1378 6 DP 1840 B3XF 574 810 908 700 745 901 838 1052 959 989 972 1295 1334 1370 7 CG 3885 B2XF 614 694 729 678 798 924 1004 1006 1087 1324 1254 1340 944 8 DP 1851 B3XF 476 830 797 656 812 1050 949 890 1128 1259 1217 1349 9 NG 5007 B2XF 622 618 764 754 900 913 983 1002 939 1140 1248 1380 10 DG 3605 B2XF 535 422 661 774 826 1010 851 1099 1265 1407 1490 934 11 PHY 480 W3FE 572 878 778 916 813 885 788 905 941 1026 1170 1298 12 ST 6182 GLT 592 645 570 579 792 681 979 677 1291 1411 1233 896 13 ST 5818 GLT 514 642 652 799 850 595 1045 937 987 1204 1221 1309 887 14 PHY 440 W3FE 540 742 626 836 631 828 834 881 1075 1129 1315 1076 AVERAGE 555 733 740 769 772 874 922 963 978 1066 1271 1304 *A number of these trials were significantly impacted by Hurricane Michael. Therefore, consideration should be given if making variety decisions based on this set. Another data set has trials which analyzes data without damage is also available.
2018 UGA OFT – PRELIMINARY (trials not impacted by Hurricane*) Rank VARIETY TAYL. COLQ. LATE COLQ. DAVIS ATHNS. WASH. GOOD LOC AVG LSD P=0.10 GOOD LOC Rank ALL LOC AVG ALL LOC Rank Rank Change (+/-) 1 DP 1646 B2XF 985 1106 1322 1382 1489 1257 a 971 2 DP 1538 B2XF 1025 1119 1358 1252 1385 1228 ab 968 3 ST 5471 GLTP 996 986 1371 1238 1460 1210 abc 961 4 DG 3605 B2XF 851 1265 1407 1490 1208 934 10 6 5 ST 6182 GLT 1035 1043 1291 1411 1233 1203 a-d 896 12 7 DP 1840 B3XF 959 989 1295 1334 1370 1189 PHY 430 W3FE 904 921 1318 1424 1378 -2 8 CG 3885 B2XF 1004 1006 1324 1254 1340 1186 bcd 944 -1 9 NG 5007 B2XF 1002 939 1248 1380 1164 b-e 938 NG 5711 B3XF 991 914 1243 1297 1336 1156 cde 962 -7 11 ST 5818 GLT 1045 937 1204 1221 1309 1143 887 13 DP 1851 B3XF 949 890 1259 1217 1349 1133 de -4 PHY 480 W3FE 905 941 1170 1298 1115 ef 933 14 PHY 440 W3FE 834 881 1129 1315 1076 1047 f AVERAGE 963 978 1271 1304 1173 71 *These trials were either harvested prior to Hurricane Michael or did not receive storm damage to the point which variety performance was significantly impacted as determined by UGA Cotton Agronomists.
2016 & 2017 UGA On-Farm Variety Performance Evaluation (6 varieties, 39 locations) – All Trials Statistical analysis completed using all 39 locations in 2016 & 2017. Variety Variety Average LSD Letters % of Trials Above Average Yield % of Trials Top 2 of 6 DP 1538 B2XF 1,085 A 72 51 ST 6182 GLT 1,079 64 DP 1646 B2XF 1,077 23 CG 3885 B2XF 1,074 56 44 NG 5007 B2XF 1,022 B 26 13 ST 5115 GLT 1,011 36 18 LSD P=0.1 24 CV 6.1 P-Value <0.0001
19 Locations (10 Irrigated, 9 Dryland) 2017 UGA On-Farm Cotton Variety Evaluation Program (Preliminary Results 12-22-17) 19 Locations (10 Irrigated, 9 Dryland) Variety Variety Average LSD Letters % Above Average % Top 4 % Top 3 % Top 2 % Top 1 ST 6182 GLT 1,132 A 95 89 68 32 DP 1538 B2XF 1,126 84 58 37 DP 1646 B2XF 1,109 AB 100 21 11 CG 3885 B2XF 1,084 B 42 5 NG 5007 B2XF 1,015 C 47 16 ST 5115 GLT 1,007 NG 4601 B2XF 994 CD PHY 340 W3FE 990 ST 5020 GLT 986 CDE 26 DP 1747NR B2XF 985 PHY 330 W3FE 980 PHY 450 W3FE 960 DE PHY 490 W3FE 953 E LSD P=0.1 CV 6.74 Grand Mean 1024 VAR. P-value 0.0001 Whitaker & Freeman - 2017
2016 UGA On-Farm Cotton Variety Performance Evaluation Program 20 Locations (9 Irrigated, 11 Dryland) Variety Average Lint Yield (lb/A) LSD Letters Frequency of Top Performance (% of 19 locations) Significance Level (p=0.10) All 20 Locs. 8 Locs. < 1000 lb/A 12 Locs. > 1000 lb/A Above Trial Average Top 4 Top 3 Top 2 Top 1 PHY 444 WRF 1108 A 90 75 55 50 35 DG 2615 B2RF 1088 AB ABCD 60 45 40 25 PHY 496 W3RF 1068 ABC 15 10 CG 3885 B2XF 1064 BC 70 5 DP 1646 B2XF 1048 BCD BCDE DP 1538 B2XF 1046 CD 30 ST 6182 GLT 1030 CDE 20 NG 5007 B2XF 1029 ST 5115 GLT 1015 DEF PHY 333 WRF 991 EFG DE BX 1739 GLT 986 FG F NG 3522 B2XF 978 DP 1553 B2XF 976 E DG 3526 B2XF 971 G EF
2015 UGA On-Farm Cotton Variety Performance Evaluation Program 19 Locations Variety Average Lint Yield (lb/A) LSD Letters Yield Different From Other 11 Varieties Frequency of Top Performance (% of 19 locations) Significance Level (p=0.10) Above Trial Average Top 4 Top 3 Top 2 Top 1 DP 1538 B2XF 1,298 a 103 84 53 42 37 DP 1558NR B2RF 1,270 ab 72 21 16 CG 3885 B2XF 1,266 67 95 74 58 DP 1553 B2XF 1,254 abc 5 47 26 ST 6182 GLT 1,237 bcd 36 79 11 DP 1252 B2RF 1,211 cde 8 NG 5007 B2XF 1,188 def -17 PHY 333 WRF 1,179 efg -27 PHY 444 WRF 1,166 -42 32 PHY 552 WRF 1,144 fgh -65 ST 4946 GLB2 1,131 gh -80 NG 3405 B2XF 1,097 h -116
Relative PGR Requirements of Cotton Varieties - 2018 UGA’s Relative PGR Requirements of Cotton Varieties (PGR REQUIRMENTS VARY – use only as guide) Freeman & Whitaker - 2019 www.ugacotton.com Relative PGR Requirements of Cotton Varieties - 2018 Classification Varieties PGR Recommendations 1 Varieties with the most vegetative growth potential, require intensive PGR management DP 1538 B2XF DP 1252 B2RF DP 1553 B2XF ST 5600 B2XF DP 1555 B2RF DP 1646 B2XF PHY 499 WRF CG 3885 B2XF NG 5711 B3XF Applications - MULTIPLE Initiation - PRIOR TO BLOOM Product – MC (all applications, rates vary) 2 Varieties with similar growth potential of 1st class, yet more responsive to PGRs or earlier in maturity NG 5007 B2XF PHY 333 WRF PHY 440 WRF DP 1747NR B2XF ST 6182 GLT ST 6446 GLB2 Applications – MULTIPLE, MOST CASES Initiation – Squaring to 1st Bloom Product - 1st application - Stance or MC - Sequential app. – MC only 3 Varieties may require PGRs, but pre-bloom initiation not typically necessary, could result in premature cutout, esp. in dryland conditions DP 1840 B3XF DP 1851 B3XF DP 1518 B2XF DP 1522 B2XF ST 5471 GLTP ST 5020 GLT ST 5115 GLT PHY 444 WRF NG 4601 B2XF PHY 530 WRF PHY 430 WRF Applications – ONE to MULTIPLE Initiation - Bloom initiation likely sufficient Product- 1st app (Stance or MC, low rates) - seq. applications - Stance or MC 4 Varieties that may need no PGR applications, or almost always not applied prior to bloom PHY 480 WRF ST 5818 GLT Application – NONE to ONE Initiation - Bloom initiation almost always Product – Stance or MC ( rates)