Common Core Math 7 Common Core Math is designed to fully address the newly adopted academic standards. Concepts are organized in units that align to major domains (Ratios and Proportionality, The Number System, Expressions and Equations, Geometry, Statistics and probability and Functions) and provide focus on key big ideas. BIG IDEAS Math is the current Common Core curriculum adoption. Each student has a textbook and workbook that will be used daily in class. Students will also use their Math Notebook/ISN daily. Aleks: Web-based system uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what standards a student knows and does not know. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics he/she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. Resource Setting: Small group instruction where curriculum is tailored to students individual needs. Students will utilize Google Classroom,,, and
Common Core Math 7 Grading Grading for this course will be on a weighted scale. Five areas will be graded: Homework completion (10%) Participation (15%) Classwork /ISN (25%) Tests (30%) Quizzes (20%)
Welcome to Advocacy Advocacy is child’s homeroom. Class begins with school announcements and salute to our flag. Any documents that need to be sent home to parents/guardian are given in this class. Character Building!!!! Discuss & reinforce the WVUSD Code of Character Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, citizenship Ed Support campaign: Traffic Video:
Study Skills Class is designed to help your child: Maintain organization by prioritizing assignments, binder reminder/folder maintenance, and instruction on long range planning (visual checklists/organizers) Assistance with homework, classwork, or projects. Practice advocating for themselves with their teachers (asking for accommodations, approaching teachers with questions about assignments) One-on-one and small group instruction. Progress Monitoring
Study Skills Grading Students’ grades are determined by the following: Binder Check----30% Participation----30% Assignment Completion----25% Within and outside of class Daily Goals ----15%
Reading A comprehensive literacy program that incorporates the California Reading and Language Arts standards as well as the new common core standards. Students will use their textbook, ISN (spiral notebook), and the online Language Live program daily Six step process that leads from sound to text. Phonics (On-line) Spelling Vocabulary Grammar Comprehension Writing
Reading Grading Grading for this course will based upon a weighted scale. Six areas will be graded: Writing Assignments (20%) Participation (15%) Classwork (ISN) (15%) Content Mastery (Tests) (30%) Homework (10%) Projects (10%)